brave samurai with one of the most deadliest weapons forged.will risk his life for anything even to save a pig.
why did that samurai risk his own life for that of a pig? because he can.
Youtubers or fans are jealous and envious of other youtube channels, content, and stats.
Kylie Jenner looks at everyone's makeup channels on Youtube. She always gets tube envy.
Darrel wore assless chaps when he got his wet tube sox
Its a form of birth control to which you jam a bunch of jolikia ghost peppers up into some chicks uturus To burn out any kids you left behind. If this is done to a casual sexual partner and you cut off contact after said joloking you are said to have “Jolikia ghost peckered” her.
Tiffany kept getting knocked up so I hit her with the ole Jolokian tubes and ghost peckered her.
This is a term used to refer to someone that's observed or analysed something that has already been implied or is obvious.
Commentator of a game: Mumbai Indians lost the match due to their poor batting display.
David: Mumbai could've batted better.
David's friend: Why does this guy give his tube-light analysis all the time
same as yogurt tube
Does that mean you're back riding that yoghurt tube?