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Urban Dictionary

A place where all you'll find is made up sex moves, sex positions and anything to do with sex. And then all the other definitions no one reads.

Guy 1: Did you read urban dictionary last night?

Guy 2: Why?

Guy 1: Your girl said you tried to pull a charizard last night...yeah.

Guy 2: ...shut up.

by Someone had to do it November 20, 2015

urban dictionary

my best friend, always there for me when i don’t know what something means, and besides apparently everything has to do with sex, it’s very useful

Person 1: And i said stfu
Me: *Wtf does stfu means*
Urban dictionary: Now worries i got you

by cuteasabuttonhe March 1, 2021

Urban dictionary

A platform where people dislikes stuff

It is common to get your definition in urban dictionary, disliked by many people

by Alan man April 19, 2022

Urban Dictionary

Look at the website url

I wonder what that word means”
Look it up on Urban Dictionary”

by Snek_ June 12, 2021

Urban Dictionary

A dictionary where anyone can contribute to it by adding words.

A site particularly know for sex jokes when looking for a definition.

Person 1: Have you heard about how many sexual jokes are on Urban Dictionary?
Person 2: Yeah there’s a lot, but there is people actually contributing

by KandrewUD April 25, 2023

Urban Dictionary

A place for teenagers who know nothing about politics to vent about politicians.

pictured below is the level of idiocy of most Urban Dictionary users

by STAN THE DONUT MAN January 27, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A dictionary found on the web with definitions, like this, written by the public.

www.urbandictionary.com/ All of Urban Dictionary's words are defined by the public.

by Sovv June 9, 2018