Eating a jar of sauerkraut then shitting on a laptop keyboard and closing the screen.
To establish dominance in the dorm Kyle left a kraut waffle in Chad's laptop.
When a guy cums on a partner's ass and proceeds to spread it on the cheeks around the booty hole. Then you lie down on their ass with your abs.
Brad: YOOOOO I finally glazed waffles her bro!
The act of pressing male genitalia against glass preferably a door or window in the presence of an unsuspecting audience.
Google street view was driving by my house; I made sure they got a good glimpse of my glass waffle.
One who believes waffles are the superior breakfast food.
STEVIEFRANCH1ZE is a fucking waffle supremacist.
When a fat chick wearing a bikini gets up out of her beach chair and her love handles have the imprint of the chair resembling a waffle
Dude. Gross. Check out the waffle top on that one.
A dick head. Probably named Mark Zuckerberg and verses in stealing other people's shit
Don't be a zuckerberg! Fuck you bro! Your mom's the boat waffle😂
Abrupt change in topic of conversation or thought through triggered words
It comes from the idea that men's brains work like waffles, everything has a category.
Where as a woman's brain works like noodles, everything is connected.
When I man tries to think like a woman, he has to jump waffles squares to keep up.
Vickey: what's a good resturant?
Sam: have you been to that new Chinese place on main?
Sam: woah waffle jump much?
Vickey: sorry you said "main" which made me think of my main character on WOW which reminded me I forgot to renew my subscription