What you gonna do when the drugs run out
Standing in the street with your tits out
Bonnie I Want You, Bonnie I Want You
A colloquial term to describe the nonchalance felt by all those who embody the ideology of "doing what he want".
Why'd you take a shower with my sister? Baby do what he want.
Why'd you leave the chat? Baby do what he want.
i want to taste your ribs, very obvious. originally found in the game Roblox JToH Pit of Misery Citadel of Infinite Void on Floor 11, a sign says i want to taste your ribs : - |
hey! i want to taste your ribs. : - | they seem very good you know?
A guy that wishes he was cool enough to be gangster. An over-aged man that tries to act Young. Manuel Deluna
Why does he act like he is a want to be gangster when he is just an old man
Hym "Jordan Peterson does not just want to help people. Jordan Peterson wants to be the golden prophet and surpass Jung. Which he isn't and won't. He wants you launder his deliberate misreading of text to validate a religion he doesn't actually believe in so his kids won't actually have to do the things he expects everyone else to do (i.e. suffer) and he is going to expend capital to ensure that the rest of you do exactly that... And I'm going to help! Because I'm the ultimate helper! So, rest assured, if he succeed against me you WILL suffer. At my hand or because of me. The only path forward for me is victory and if that victory is defined by Jordan Peterson you will all pay the price."
When you accidentally send an 8 year old boy into space with a paedophile.
Narrator: A spokesman said "This is the one thing we did'nt want to happen"