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No balls

When you are so lonely you don't even have female friends. It can also be used as an insult or as the ultimate dare.

"My guy, you got no balls." "Yeah, i know."
"You are a no balls." "No you."
"No balls!" "Watch me do it then!"

by Yeet_Phantom March 8, 2022

no balls

scared to do something someone dared you to do/ being a fucking pussy. or, someone dared you to do something and thinking you wont do it they reply, "no balls"

"i dare you to talk to emma, no balls"


"you litterally have no balls bc u wont do my dare fucking ni-"

by i love men big daddy fuck me August 30, 2023

no balls

This phrase is used by gen z. No balls is said when a dare is said and the person given the dare won't do it.
Synonyms for no balls: You can't do it, No way you are doing it

I dare you to ask your crush out no balls

by Sophia_Cutie19 October 2, 2022

No balls

No balls is a expression that basically means "you won't do it" or "You're to scared." This is also used as another sentence to dare someone to do something.

"Go ask her out, no balls."

"Fuck you."

by Sleepyysheep October 15, 2022

No balls

Use 1:
An extreme dare from one male to another. If you are a man and someone no balls dares you on something, you must follow it.

Use 2:
Something to yell at random people (usually girls for the ironny).
Also See:
deez nuts

Ex. 1:
Location: on a skyscraper

George: "I dare you to jump off the building"
Bob: "NO BALLS!!!"
George: "Fine I'll do it."
George: "aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"
Bob: "lol"
Ex. 2:
Location: anywhere
Tom walks up to a random girl

Tom: "NO BALLS!!!!"
Girl: "wtf???"
Then tom fan away.

by xXmlglifeXx December 11, 2015

no balls

an incentive for someone to do something that they wouldn't normally do

say the n-word or no balls

by ChessEnjoyer April 29, 2023

ball crap

poppy cock

namely-- in the Final Fantasy VIII speedrunning community

*World Map encounter happens* " FUCKIN' AYE, BALL CRAP" -awesomeWaves

by quetzecoatl June 23, 2021