Method of scaling one's level of being high. The higher you get, the higher you go. Determined when someone call's for a Floor Check.
I think I'm on the 5th floor of the High Hotel.
When we did a Floor Check, Joe said he was already on the 10th floor of the High Hotel!
A rural school located in the NW corner of Wayne County. During the winter, this school decides to save money by not turning on any heat, which leaves the school with an average temperature of 50 degrees. the school prides itself on having STEM shit and teaching kindergartners how to 3-D print
"ive always wanted to visit Antarctica"
"why, Just go to Northwestern High School"
A school filled with pot heads and people smoking in all the bathrooms this school also is full of petty bitches who think they rule the school and if ur white in this school u can get by easily
Riding around high in Amish country with the system bumping.
We're just out here bumping high off the barns.
londonderry New Hampshire’s high school (LHS) is a school that can be the best and the worst as times. They still have not won against Pinkerton Academy and won’t stop trying. We have a great football team with some great players but they sometimes don’t have enough spirit. Our relationship with PA is touchy, we are definitely rivals and the hatred for eachother derives mostly from our football curse. PA kids are cool and so are Londonderry kids. The band from Londonderry is very well known and of course is teased a lot about by the schools. “Band kids think they’re cool” or “All these band kids drive me insane”. I believe that most of the band is actually pretty chill people and just like to enjoy some good music. I do know some however that could become troublesome. I wish that we could be more friends with PA instead of hatred but a good rivalry doesn’t hurt. This one is unhealthy at this point. The teachers are great but %10 cannot teach and the others are amazing. The school itself is no where near as large as Pinkerton and could use an upgrade and some new kids. A lot of kids act like they’re rich following how our society is today and it’s annoying. It’s not all white rich kids however, even though the population is 89% white/Caucasian. The town is actually more middle class and lower class, and the actual rich kids keep to themselves usually (USUALLY). We want to be the best and we want to have a great time in a great country with the great time we have left.
Kayo: Did you go to Mack plaque last night?
Cole: Yea, Todd got beat up by some Pinkerton kids
Kayo: Gotta love Londonderry
Alejandro: I hate Londonderry high school, it’s filled with annoying ass kids and people have no respect for anyone
Chris: We got what we got and we have to work with it. Let’s make LHS better not worse
The feeling you get from dancing or watching other people dance. You feel like you're on clouds.
This choreography always makes me feel dance high. I feel unstoppable.
His performance was so amazing. It made me dance high.
When you have a friend named grace that matured faster than u and is older but her voice is higher pitch.
Grace has a lot of high pitchness in her voice