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SeanLawlor Syndrome

A person who likes fat hoes and has a fetish for farting sausages

guy 1: What the flip dude!
guy 2: What?
guy 1: I think i have SeanLawlor Syndrome!

by Old man Ruckus December 16, 2023


(Pronounced: "pass-you" syndrome)

Passu-syndrome is most visible during a morning commute among fellow commuters to and sometimes from work. It is best described as: The tendency for a vehicle that is behind you and comfortable with your current speed as indicated by the buffer zone between your two cars to suddenly as you move into the right lane get more aggressive and pass you rapidly. This is not to be mistaken as an "aggressive driver" or a "road-hog". Despite that you are traveling at 70mph in a 55mph zone, he feels he needs to get one more car ahead.

Man 1: "What a lovely drive, everyone is being pleasant; even the "road-hogs" are not that aggressive today!"
Man 2: "Indeed, a beautiful drive to work."
Man 1: "Oh wait, look at this guy! He has been fine for the last 10 miles to stay a dozen car lengths behind me as together we do 70mph!"
Man 2: "So?
Man 1: "Soooo...now that I am doing 70mph in the right lane....he just has to get one more car ahead in the pack!"

Man 2: "Sooo?"
Man 1: "He has a clear case of passu-syndrome."
Man 2: "I think you need to get out more..."

by Professor Crabs September 26, 2013

Eldon's Syndrome

Syndrome that can be easily pertained to having a consisting elements: cringeness, FC, and any other types similar to these.

"Oh boy you've got some Eldon's Syndrome over there

by Hatdog0292 July 19, 2022

Trump Dumbass Syndrome

A psychological condition wherein individuals exhibit unwavering support for Donald Trump, regardless of his actions, statements, or behavior. Symptoms include a chronic inability to recognize faults, a propensity to deflect criticism with conspiracy theories, and an unshakeable belief that "alternative facts" are just as valid as reality. Often accompanied by an aversion to credible news sources and an inexplicable affection for Twitter rants. Commonly diagnosed in echo chambers and political rallies. Treatment is rare, as patients are typically resistant to evidence-based interventions.

Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Rudy Giuliani continued to defend every action with fervor, clearly exhibiting a severe case of Trump Dumbass Syndrome (TDS).

by AB1971 May 31, 2024

Shinji syndrome

- A feeling or set of feelings including hatred, cowardice, close-mindedness, arrogance and anger associated with anime characters who pilot mechas or other large engines of war that cause mass destruction. Shinji syndrome is usually characterised by the main character (Usually someone who pilots the death machine) having a period of outright hatred for the thing he's doing, despite an episode ago wanting to pilot aforementioned death robot.

Shinji Ikari is a perfect example of this (And where this syndrome gets it's name) - in most of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shinji refused to pilot Eva Unit-01 numerous times even though nearly half an episode later he was back in it's control plug.

"Why did Amuro refuse to pilot the Gundam, he was enjoying it a few minutes ago. Man's got Shinji Syndrome for sure."

by Minitru June 24, 2022

Colonial Marine Syndrome [CMS]

A thought process held by many film and game producers and makers, in which they want the new product to be like a prexisting product in the thought that it will make the product sell by principle. This rarely works and almost always kills the product from the start. The term comes from the video game "Aliens: Colonial Marines" in which the producers and makers wanted to make a call of duty game with the alien franchise

J: Hey did you hear about the new monster hunter movie?

L: The, WHAT, Oh man i love that game I wonder what its about
J: The description said it was about a military squad that discover a new world that evil monsters are trying to get to the normal world and take over
L: That honestly just sounds like Pacific rim with a monster hunter coat of paint
J: Oh than its a case of Colonial Marine Syndrome CMS

by Scrapnell July 11, 2020

Ogre Syndrome

Ogre Syndrome, more commonly known as Maskfishing, is a phenomenon which is seen when individuals, most often females, look much different with their mask off than they do with their mask on, being much much less attractive.

Guy 1: Bro you seen Becky without her mask on?
Guy 2: Yeah bro she look like an ogre
Guy 1: That’s that ogre syndrome

by Kureitaro February 7, 2022