Cuteface Syndrome is the rapid alteration of one’s face into a perfect-looking entity. More severe cases of Cuteface Syndrome (CFS) can cause mutation of the body until the sufferer is around 5’1” tall and attractive enough to make other humans, particularly males, deeply infatuated with them. They may experience negative side effects such as blurred vision, which may eventually lead to needing eyeglasses or contact lenses. Scientists aren’t sure what causes CFS, but reported cases originate from Flagstaff, Arizona almost 100% of the time.
“I wanted to ask them if they suffered from CFS, but I didn’t want to be rude.”
Doctor: “Ma’am, I’m afraid your daughter has a rare condition called Cuteface Syndrome, or CFS for short”
Not to be confused with the abnormalities in looks/faculties that can occur from being born too late in your mother's life, this term refers to an equally-unpleasant degradation of one's physical/mental health due to repeated "dashed hopes" incidents that you've encountered when needing to "answer Mother Nature's call on line 2" but no restroom was immediately available --- after having "held it" for a considerable time, you eventually see what you initially assume will be an opportunity to finally relieve yourself, and so you partially relax your painfully-fatigued internal muscles in preparation for said dump. But then at the last minute, you discover to your extreme dismay that said lavatory is in fact **not** available for you to use, either because there is already someone in there or it is out of order; you are now obliged to frantically "clinch yourself up tight" again and either wait even longer or rush off to look for another toilet. But of course it is now much harder to "hold it in" because you have unwittingly allowed your poop-load to partially "slide downwards", and so you may now encounter more difficulty in "keeping your grip on it" than if you'd waited to see for certain if you could indeed go potty before partially "letting go".
Another possible contributing factor to letdown's syndrome, of course, is if you sometimes "relax too far" when thinking that you're gonna have a chance to poop but then are not able to and therefore hafta "clamp up" again --- if you've inadvertently allowed your poop-log to "progress outwards" too far, you pose the risk of "pinching one off" when you hastily re-tighten your sphincter-muscles, and thus you may actually squeeze some of your unmentionables out in your feverish efforts to "re-establish your grip" on said yuckies. Further comments/explanation unnecessary.
When a TV show gets so bigger that new episodes are made regardless if they are wanted or necessary
They are turning that movie into a show, I hope it doesn't get spongebob syndrome
Typically a character in media who shows every sign of being gay, but turns out to be straight.
The term "Spongebob Syndrome" coming from the fact that Spongebob himself has married Sandy the Squirrel canonically, despite being assumed gay. (writers even attempting to correct this later on.)
Important to note that Spongebob Syndrome does not apply to characters like James from Pokémon, as he's believed to be bisexual.
Hey dude, remember that character from that one TV show? The one who flirted with pretty much every guy he ran into? He has Spongebob Syndrome, he isn't gay, he's dating a woman!
Someone who is addicted to melons
Person 1: "I have melon syndrome"
Person 2: "For real! Watermelons are just so good."
Hank Hill syndrome is a medical condition characterized by having a narrow urethra. A male with Hank Hill syndrome will often require additional time to urinate, and will have a majorly reduced chance of impregnation via sexual intercourse.
"Everyone was shocked when my mother became pregnant with me. Many people thought she must have cheated. Because my father has Hank Hill syndrome, he has a narrow urethra."
The day that follows after an absolute crippling night where you have flashes of death before you.
"Mate what's wrong with you?" - Phillip
"Bro I have post-sesh syndrome I can't move" - Gary
"Mad night then" - Phillip