A flip-flop that has any sort of rainbow/girly image on it in the men's apparel area of a store.
Dude,look at chuck's new Gay-Flops!
When a straight guy makes a comment that is supremely gay and causes you to say jeez that is "scary gay"
"I'll suck all your dicks I don't care"
"Wow thats scary gay"
At least he didn't cum on your back like he did to a friend in high school as a joke... That is just Scary Gay
Another word for an unsalted pretzel.
Person 1: “Look at that guy over with that pretzel.”
Person 2: “That’s no pretzel, that’s a gay looper. Look, there’s no salt on it.”
When a gay man or woman invites you on a platonic date in a thought-out setting to apologize for putting off prior plans with you.
Wow, Bryan totally hit you with a pity gay date.
I feel really bad for cancelling on Izzy twelve times... I should invite her on a pgd.
A trap house with only dudes and fat chicks.
Dude, that place got old, it's like a gay trap house full of fat bitches.
When someone decides that you are not quer. Often associated with bi erasure and biphobia
Koen: I'm bi
Rishab: no you aren't
Koen: you have gay-tkept me
a person regardless of their gender and sexual orientation who has the vibe of an institutional gay. a 'gay istituzionale' is usually clean, cares about their appearance and well mannered. they follow the rules, they sit with their legs crossed and they usually have a superiority complex.
Annalisa (italian singer) is such a Gay Istituzionale
Enzo Miccio is the perfect example for a Gay Istituzionale