getting things moving with a potential partner/ball roll
Joe: “Ayo Glenn you should go get the ball rolling with that girl”
Glenn: “Sure thing there Joe”
When you have a nasty ass cold, and you sneeze so hard that you feel your balls are sucked in and your eyeballs are popping out
Man that's a nasty cold, I sneezed my balls off all night long.
High Tops was produced by Skee Ball, Inc. in 0.
Skee Ball, Inc. released 19 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1980.
Other machines made by Skee Ball, Inc. during the time period High Tops was produced include Alley Hoops, Circus Hi Rise, Killer Beez, Operation Vortex 2000, and Skee Ball Classic.
Bob: I’m going to play the Rare Skee-Ball Hi-Top Shoe Basketball Arcade Game Today.
Doing Bulgarian split squats naked as someone lays under you and feels the wrath of your giant elephant sized stinky, sweaty, scrotum walloping against thou's brow.
- Dude, you HAVE to try this new exercise in the gym! It's intense
- Oh yeah? What is it?
- The Bulgarian ball bash...its insane!!
Cleaning ones man part prior to the act of coitus as a courtesy. Aided with unique grooming products targeted at such tender endeavors.
Sara Cotter says, “I won’t even consider looking at the thing until you use ball wash to ball wash your bits”.
Two best friends who say stupid stuff 24/7 and make each laugh till they pass out. Send each STUPID things and sound crazy to other people.
“Have you read Kendall and Delaney’s messages? They’re such corn-balls.”
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a white boy who is pale as a ghost & as skinny & tall as a corn stalk. He claims to be a gangster from Chicago but in reality he's just a modified highlighter kid and wanna be gangster. He begs for sexual intimacy & asks if size matters after talking for a week. He thinks that he is tough shit but in reality no one likes him, not even his best friends.
Now look in the sky, what do you see? Its 4-incher-pincher! No.. its corn nuts! Nevermind, its just Charlie.
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