Source Code

o rlemente

Mexican version of "o rly"
(see o rly)

O Rly = Oh really?

O Rlemente = "o rly" with a steryotypical spanish influence.

by mackdogthreefifty November 28, 2005

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O Ardd

means alright or ok. simple mans terms.

guy 1- dude, did you do the math homework last night?

guy 2- sha.

guy 1- O Ardd, you mind if i bum it off you? i was way to lazy.

guy 2- O Ardd, no prob. When will you give it back to me?

guy 1- I have to give it back?

by GuitarShredder4Life January 16, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A smiley showing someone with their mouth hanging open and and eye twitching. Used for when something very bad just happened.

Person 1: Hey, how's our project for school going?

Person 2: Oh, that? I accidentally set it on fire, threw it off a cliff, and repeatedly ran it over with my dad's truck.

Person 1: oe

by unknownthingamabob October 7, 2011

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1. (N) A really retarded asshole that is really busting your balls.

2. (Adj) A descriptive word used to desribe fuckers that are retarded.

exmpl. That guy is being a tardifuck-o
exmpl. You are a tardifuck-o.

by FORD JACKSON January 26, 2011

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Double O

LowTierGod's codename for coon (or even spook) when he wants to bypass ToS rules on streaming websites. Shame it didn't work because as of the the uploading of this definition, he's banned off of twitch.

"You can tell that this dude's a double o by the way he's playing."

by Fickt June 26, 2022

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O Show

When A guy gives you hours of pure ecstacy for your Vagina; The best sex you've ever had or ever will!

Oh My God! He gave me the O Show last night and I can't walk straight today!

by Oteeeze March 5, 2009

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Used by moneylenders and the IRS,commonly seen spray painted outside houses in singapore.
Stands for "owe money pay money"

Fuck you dickhead!You fucking borrowed money from me!"O$P$ you cunt!

by qtr October 11, 2015

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