The best Kanye West song ever.
This song indicates that two people are in love.
Kanye for president. One of the best song writers ever.
"Look, its ***** and ******, they are hanging out!!"
"🎶bound 2 falling in loveeee🎶"
Boy: “Hey why are you wearing a Hoodie it’s so hot outside”
Girl: “It’s October 2”
National hug you crush randomly throughout the day and say nothing.
I walked into school on October 2, went up to my crush Dominick and hugged him.
National fat ass appreciation day
Hey your ass looks nice
Thank you but why did you say that
It’s October 2
The song that goes “WOOHOO!” It’s by the band Blur. Fun fact, the main singer for Blur in Gorillaz as well.
Dylan: You know that song that goes “woohoo”?
Zach: Oh, you mean “Song 2”?
national beetle juice day (its his birthday that why)
a: its june 2nd you know what that means?
A simple way of providing a weight without any information. Found on the grindr profiles of headless men dedicated to subtly informing people they're not comfortable with either their hairline or sexual identity.
Online 30 minutes ago. 10 miles away. 25 years old. -2 Lbs.