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Rainbow Math Publishing

When math publishers pretend to be inclusive, by supporting LBGT students, teachers, and parents, when their motive is getting them to buy more of their oft-half-edited pricier titles.

Guesstimate how many gay and trans mathematicians and math educators are being taken for a ride by rainbow math publishing nationwide.

by Fasters January 28, 2022

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My maths and chill

The act of masturbation while doing your homework.

Mom: Did you do your homework?
Joe: Sorry. I was doing My maths and chill

by Grammar_nazis January 31, 2017

Drive-thru Math

When arithmetic becomes calculus and your stoned with your friends trying to order from a drive-thru

Come on dude I'll pay for it I dont want to do drive-thru math

by the garbaggio boys July 11, 2017

Out-of-Order Math

When someone fails to carry out the operations in a math problem correctly, often because they couldn’t remember the rule, or they use their own oft-flawed logic to do so.

John flunked his recent class test, because he’s a victim of out-of-order math—he repeatedly misused the BODMAS rule to simplify arithmetic expressions, and misapplied the procedure to find the inverse of a matrix.

by Fasters January 7, 2023

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paper towel math

Manipulating math so the numbers favor your goal like paper towel companies’ use when advertising that 6 roles = 12 roles.

John from accounting uses paper towel math to figure out next year’s fiscal budget.

by Nick Steele August 7, 2021

My Math Game

A way a child prodigy embarrasses a man in the mathematic subject.

Y’all are showing up my math game

by Alex Walters May 22, 2019

Finishing Delta Math

Finishing Delta Math is a phrase commonly used to describe a scenario so bad, that it is hard to even comprehend. These situations often mislead another to their downfall. Cringe, is not even the beginning of finishing delta math. Never send something like that ever again and stop.

Dude 1: "Dude tell her you finished the homework and maybe she will be interested!"
Dude 1: "Tell her you are Finishing Delta Math"
Dude 2 : "Okay!" *sends cringe snap with checkmark

by eduedo May 18, 2021