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Kool Aid Drinker

Someone who believes what they are told without thinking for themselves.

Sometimes used by aficionados of the 1911 handgun ("Colt .45") to describe fans of the Glock (or other polymer framed) handguns - possibly a reference to the nickname "tupperware gun" and the typical serving of Kool-Aid in plastic pitchers.

In more recent use it may also be applied to folks who think that any negative term or euphemism applied to President Obama or his acolytes automatically means the user is a racist.

The suggestion that the term applies only to a stereotype of African-Americans implies that no Caucasians drink Kook-Aid, an obvious fallacy and an indication of a significant pre-existing bias on the part of the writer, or a blatant attempt to suppress freedom of speech on the part of opponents.

From the followers of Jim Jones in Guyana who committed suicide by drinking poisoned Kool Aid.

The Kool Aid drinkers are buying this stock because their broker recommended it.

A Glock? What are you, a Kool Aid drinker?

by SikLikeDat August 27, 2009

222๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

kool-aid man

A walking,talking glass of juice.

Kids:We want Kool-aid!
Kool-aid man:OH YEAH!

by TheWiggidy April 22, 2004

254๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Band-Aid Approach

An approach to child-spacing.

You must choose if you'd prefer to have your kids very close together in age, thus ripping off the band-aid in 1 very quick, yet very painful tear. Or if you prefer to have your kids spaced further apart; a less intense pain but an approach that takes much longer until the band aid is completely off.

People who space their kids 18 months or less apart take the "quick and painful" Band-Aid Approach. But people who space their kids more than 2 years apart are the ones who take the "plucking hair by hair" Band-Aid Approach.

by bellebeandog January 3, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gayer than aids

means that something is really gay, came from people thining only gay people have aids

This thing is gayer than aids

by Kate December 3, 2004

135๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

kool-aid party

A congregation whereby people consume flavoured cordial spiked with LSD

Everyone who went to the kool-aid party that night ended up tripping until Monday

by grubbylove October 5, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

bologna band aid

The act of inserting one's erect penis into a friend's bullett wound to help stop the bleeding. Blowing one's wad while in the wound can act as a blood clotting agent (pleasure for you, first aid for them...everyone wins)

When my friend Hillary was shot in the face in a drive by, I was quick to insert my erect member into her new orafice to stop the bleeding with a bologna band aid. Forgetting the enormity of my manhood, I inadvertantly gave her an Angry Chewbacka in the process.

by mogy May 29, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool Aid Democrat

A person who believes that every single thing that is wrong with the entire universe is solely the fault of one person - George W. Bush.

As a Cool Aid Democrat, I believe George W Bush is responsible for the heavy traffic on the 405 freeway this afternoon.

by Bad Bobby Brown November 27, 2008

72๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž