Is a very sexy man with 20 inch penis, has amazing hair and amazing jawline, has amazing music taste and great sense of humor. is a gigachad.
Damn that guy's penis size cannot amount to that of our lord and savior Ian.
An ian is someone who is especially kind but often immature. He makes a lot of jokes and can sometimes choose not to take things seriously. But he is the one person who is always there no matter what. He is very musical and very smart.
Girl 1: did you tell Ian that serious thing that you wanted to tell him?
Girl 2: yes but he joked it off
A pretentious prick who uses his friends to get laid, then ruins their reputation to get even more laid until he dies of several STD's unknown to mankind.
"What happened last night?"
"Ugh Jeff was being such a fucking Ian!"
"Sorry bro."
A very stupid and unintelligent person , clout level 1.
“You’re even stupider than Ian and he’s very stupid”
A person who takes great delight in viewing military aircraft. The desire to capture an image of military aircraft leads to an 'Ian' spending much of their time plotting the best locations, analysing radio transmitted messages & sharing with like minded people
As the typhoon circled in the sky 'Ian' was poised & ready to capture its image.
Ian was excited to hear the distant rumble of an F15 approaching the base.