The word Berries is inspireschar_ fandom name. Berries are basically inspireschar_ fans and here is some things about Berries: they are hot and smell so good. They have good taste in everything and stan inspireschar_. They are awesome
Berries are awesome
Berries are a race above all others. They have unparalleled intellect. Berry is short for Loganberry, the true name of these holy beings. If you see one, you are either being blessed by the gods, or have absolutely zero chance of survival. They exist in the eleventh dimension, only reachable by their kind. Berries are highly technologically advanced, eons before humans. A Berry's food source is video games. They are naturally born with the power to master any video game except Fortnite because Fortnite is absolute crap. There is a chance that after they kill you, they harvest your soul and put it on a trellis so your conscience can exist inside of a Loganberry. Praise the Berries. Kneel! KNEEL YOU FREAKING PLEBS, KNEEL!
"That Berry stole my inner being and grew it on a plant."
"Yeah. They do that."
A straight person that acts gay unironically. the diet version of fruity.
berry isgoofy ahh and they sniff on call a lot and they probably obsess over monopoly and are besties with camille
person 1: woah is that berry
person 2: yea
person 3: ok
the tiktok content creator that has a cat
“I followed berry”
“I joined berrys discord server”
“I got berry to talk to SpongeBob”
A person that lives in Denmark... AND HE IS AWESOME EPIC FORNITE GAMER