Nicolas Benjamin Edmund Carlton (Ben Carlton) is a British,Canadian and French Singer-songwriter.
I listen to singers like The Weeknd, Ed Sheeran and Ben Carlton
The best very handsome man typically a ginger
You're looking like Ben Martin
A cow, usually very fat, that assists her owner on farm jobs.
I really need Ben Spiteri to help me out here, damn it!
The face where your eyes are further apart then normal and you just look like a downy
that faggot over there has ben-syndrome. just look at that face
Ben Atkinson is the sexiest and most handsome guy in the entire universe with his huge throbbing monster cock and his great sense of humour!!
OMG you are literally the biggest Ben Atkinson I have ever seen
Ben Magic is the term used to explain how males with the names’ “Ben” or “Benjamin” have a special sexual energy apart from other males. A Ben can use “Ben Magic” to have women easily fall for them by talking extremely sexually to them.
“Yo that dude is using Ben Magic!”
“I know right, how do all the bitches fall for him!”