A species originating from the Island of Wemyss in Scotland. Currently residing off the coast south of Sydney, New South Wales.
Often found in Fitness First gymnasiums, benching over 120kgs and flexing their wings in side mirrors.
They are fond of cold showers and hate to argue with their real estate agents over appropriate heating facilities.
God damn Wemyss Bird!
Jimmy bird is an:
#1: Stop being a jimmy bird.
#2: You fucking jimmy bird.
#3: Look at that jimmy bird kid.
You could fit a watermelon up that he-bird.
Top shagger and absolute unit. The next Michael Jordan, James Harden and Kobe Bryant. Constantly dunking on these bitches.
Pro basketball player. Ballin on these bitches
Did you see Jonathan Bird last night, damn
The dead offspring of the Spycrab, being in Team Fortress 2 flying around the surroundings of pl_upward and ctf_2fort for half a day before Valve patched the glitch, knocking the species into extinction. The scout bird was discovered by a lone youtuber in the wild playing plr_hightower when he found a bug caused by the Atomizer recent patch. This bug was performed by holding the Mad Milk and dying in spawn, dropping the milk on the floor, and picking it up while holding down m1 with the mad milk in hand. Doing this causes the scout to enter an A-posed state. In this state, you are allowed infinite double jumps, allowing the scout to fly. Note that the scout cannot attack during this state. Unfortunately, the TF2 team saw this bug and quickly patched it up before it was a day old.
those scout birds should get kicked...