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proper bong etiquette

PBE- Noun-The courtesy often given back & forth or expected between comrades whilst smoking marijuana or any orher than pink or purAlso, the process of clearing out the stale, leftover smoke that lingers in the chamber.

"Hey man, you hear about the LIT! party that's going on tonight? Last time no one thought PBE was a real thing!

The proper bong etiquette is crucial in a group session of smoking....

by Staci Rogert, *"PINKIE"* February 24, 2023

Bong Gap

The time between hits as the bong is passed around the circle. The length of the bong gap is generally inversely proportional to how high a collective group is.

They can't be that high, they have a really low bong gap.

by dryandsalty July 21, 2019

garage bong

The "garage bong" is the bong that is used in locations, or under circumstances, that are not appropriate for expensive glass pieces. i.e. the garage, camping, or parties. It is usually a bong made from acrylic or another durable, albeit, inexpensive material. Ideally, the "garage bong" doesn't sacrifice the quality of the hit and can become a much loved mascot.

"Hey man? What's with the 'garage bong?' I thought this celebration was worthy of the monster 7mm." Reply: "Yeah, I considered it, but after a lot of thought I realized: you don't bring out the good china at a children's party. Dig it?"

by partyviking June 28, 2013

mouse bong

A contraption consisting of an empty paper towel tube, two pieces of paper towel and an empty pen. Stuffing a piece of paper towel in one end and placing a live mouse inside and closing off the opposite end with paper towel wrapped around empty pen to allow air flow into the chamber. Take four hits of marijuana and blow into the mouse bong.

Dude; What are you blowing pot smoke into, Man?
Man; Mouse bong.
Dude; Wtf?
Man; Watch this (blows pot smoke into device, unstuffs one end of mouse bong to release dizzy mouse)
Dude; Fuck!

by Bauxb October 31, 2017

Bong mix

A mixture of cannabis and tobbaco usually mixed together in a grinder or container. Gives you the high of cannabis and the head rush of the tobacco.

me and jimbo was out in the shed making bong mixes for the night to rip.

by Bigboy packet August 22, 2021

Bong Mouthwash.

Bong MouthWash :
When you swish the bong water in your mouth like mouthwash.

Stoner: Bro, I forgot to bring water to my smoke sesh, and my mouth was dry as a camels pussy.
Stoner #2: And?
Stoner: I had to Bong Mouthwash.

by MegaMilky April 29, 2021

bong booger

The resin that collects in your brain as a result of smoking excessive amounts of weed, causing cognitive congestion.

1st worker; What is up with the new guy, he seems like he's not getting it.
2nd worker; What that guy? His head is full of bong boogers!

by Bauxb July 9, 2016