The newest addition to the list of dress codes for men and women during the time of Covid-19, where most people are working from home and conducting business on Zoom calls. Covid-Formal joins casual, semi-casual, business-casual, semi-formal, and formal in the dress code lexicon.
Covid-Formal consists of business-attire (button-down shirt/tie/jacket for men and button-down shirt or blouse for women) on the torso, and lounge-wear (pajama pants, gym shorts, etc.) on the bottom.
Drew joined in on his daily work Zoom call from home, but didn't have the webcam angled just right, revealing his Covid-Formal dress code of suit and tie with gym shorts, to all of his co-workers.
National Announce Your COVID Results Day is January 3rd. This is a day to announce your COVID results and not gatekeep them like a bitch.
Troll #1: Omg did you guys here that it’s National Announce Your COVID Results day??
Troll #2: Oh yeah, that means that bitch should finally tell us her results.
When you need a sick day so you purposely fail your symptom checker and call out as suspected Covid contact
I didn’t sleep well last night so I think I’ll purposely fail my symptom checker and just take a Covid day
To make as situation or project met safety guidelines for COVID safety
We're going to covidize the movie by reducing the cast size, limiting the locations to one, and having the zombies wear masks with PPE underneath instead of using makeup.
A slang means "wow that sucks but it is what it is"
Used when something bad happens for no reason
An example of thats covid would be used in this scenario
Girl: "Man i dropped my ice cream on the floor"
Boy: "Damn that covid"
When people bring up, mention, or bitch/groan about COVID-19 (Corona, coronavirus, the 'rona) so many times throughout the day that the person hearing it all becomes increasingly aggravated as the minutes tick by. Soon enough, when another person mentions COVID, the covid maxed individual may freak out and start screaming at people around them. The covid maxed individual may even punch a hole in the nearest wall.
Neighbor: How was your day?
Mom: I had to deal with COVID shutdows, COVID exposures, COVID cleansing precautions, COVID everything. So yeaaaaaa We're all going to die.
Dad: Hey! That COVID vaccine should move a little faster!
Covid maxed individual: Warning! I am now covid maxed! If another person mentions COVID I will likely lose my fucking mind!!!
When you don't tell a bitch you have covid and you cum in her throat
"oh man, I gave her that covid-shot last night and it nocked her out"