Noun. A quantity well over half. Customarily three quarters. An unfairly large share.
A Daniel's quarter of the UK's tax revenue is generated through a combination of income tax and corporation tax.
'Genius is 1% inspiration, and a Daniel's quarter of perspiration."
- Albert Einstein
The original is a name of a person living in america, but can also be used as a term for rude people. The "Daniellus Marcous" is a wild side de-evolution of the modern homosapian that has ears that can spread up to four feet apart. It sleeps, and does things just like a human, though very different in terms of psychology. The Daniel Marcus is also known for measuring their sleep with a ruler as well as hissing when frightened or when it feels pressured.
p1: "Hey have you heard about daniel marcus?"
p1: "he studies for cancer tests!"
EX 2:
(insert man being rude)
p1: "dude, i hate that guy"
p2: "yeah, he's acting like daniel marcus."
Daniel Cox likes to touch little girls but his dumb ass mom won’t let his police dad turn him in
Individual with a large area on the backside (massive butt)
that person has a daniel couldridge
A sex position involving a standing 69 doggy style
Me and that bitch did a Leon daniels at the weekend, damn that shit was dank
n. 1. Same as a Wet Willy, but not wet.
I wanted to give Jim a Wet Willy, but because we were stranded in the desert I was parched and had to settle for a Dry Daniel.
This is a Pro-noun used to describe someone if they have a large head, meatball like, also used to describe a ridiculously bent hairline.
1: Look at the size of that boys head.
2: Lol what a daniel anderson, throw a chair at his head.