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Mad Trolling Disease

A disease spread by inting at life. This causes the diseased individual to troll uncontrollably.

Manneh has Mad Trolling Disease and spread it to Fortnite kid.

by Gamer Kazuma January 23, 2020

Jasper Hale disease

When one (normally a Twitard) becomes extremely obsessed with with Jasper Hale from twilight.


Me: Another victim of Jasper Hale disease..

by Rob3rtpatt1nson September 20, 2021

green puss disease

A highly lethal and contagious STD that causes small green growths around your vagina (which is either obtained by way of the disease or preexisting). These growths burst and omit a glowing green waste product.


by the omnipotent garage door February 1, 2014

[Hand to Pocket disease]

a person who has a hard time paying for things, not for lack of money, but lack of wanting to spend their own money.

"last night I went out with JT and once again got stuck with the bill."
"Uh oh, he might have caught Hand to Pocket disease, I hear it has been going around"

by Hope Snow October 17, 2008

Coat Hanger Disease

When the shirt you're wearing retains the shape of the coat hanger it was on, similar to "hanger bumps".

You need to wet the shoulders of your shirt because you have coat hanger disease.

by KatForrest March 20, 2011

Temporary Boredom Disease

A condition which causes frustration and boredom particularly to 2GB listeners

Ever since Alan Jones left 2GB there has been a significant increase in TBD (Temporary Boredom Disease) by listners of the Ben Boredom show. Infact recent studies suggest TBD has increased 10 times more for innoculated users to the point of changing to ABC mornings to receive some relief from the diseaae

by Aussie Cossack October 8, 2021

The Shiore Kokkaku Disease

The Shiore Kokkaku disease is a fictional disease where the victim of self hate and thoughts of suicide begins to slowly watch their skin wither which will eventually lead to an inevitable death. Victims contract the disease through almost successfully killing themselves but surviving. Their skin then slowly starts to wither until nothing is left but their bones. The disease has no cure but it can be slowed down. By having the victim find happiness in their life, and by slowing gaining a better mental health state, the Shiore Kokkaku disease will stop spreading. However the effects are irreversible and the patient will eventually die.

Ex : I wish there was a way to escape the fate of the Shiore Kokkaku disease, but I’ll eventually have to come to terms with reality...

by p a p e r f i r e March 28, 2021