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2k18 who?... A game where guys value playing a survival game with other guys than to talk to there girlfriend!

luckybeast hop on fortnite

by Y’all really bout it ? February 11, 2018

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Ghost Squad

time to hunt #Fortnite

by BumStatusYo November 27, 2018

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Elite Squad

Let’s Get It #Fortnite

by BumStatusYo November 27, 2018

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Might be a good game idk, but what I do know is that the fanbase is 100% cringe and 8 year olds

Smol boye:*does fortnite dances in public*
me:*pulls out real gun and shoots him* TAKE THAT BITCH!

by E X P A N S I O N December 28, 2019

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The worst fucking game in the world and deserves to shut down, it also infects you with gay, cancer, autism and down syndrome

I'm sorry sir but it seems like you have fortnite
You have been infected with fortnite

by x,smol_boi.x December 7, 2019

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an overrated battle royal game for toddlers.

Fortnite is cancer.

by IDontCareWhatIPutHere January 17, 2019

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A game that ishowspeed made more popular by doing gay shit on the internet, causing 9 year olds to go ballistic and get horny asf over speed

Person 1: Hey wanna play fortnite

Perosn 2: sorry I dont want to contract life altering stage 4 tumor causing ishowspeed fanboy horny cancer gay syndrome

Person 3: Get the fuck out of my room I'm playing Minecraft!!!!

by LaggyFaggy April 26, 2022

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