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ice fox

A stone-cold hottie whose immense and overwhelming beauty seems to stem from another realm. Most often found at festivals and shows, the ice fox is usually seen wearing whatever hippie garb makes them look the foxiest. Their beauty will freeze an admirer/onlooker in their tracks immediately from 5 to 500 feet away.

WARNING: Do not attempt to seduce the ice fox, especially in its natural habitat, for doing so may completely incapacitate one for several months.

Dude #1:Dude, check out that ice fox over there-
Dude #2: The one with the LED hoola-hoop and poi covered in body paint and surrounded by crystals?
Dude#1: Ya, totally- don't get too close man.
Dude#2: For sure, I can feel her chill from here.

by Thizzle-Titties August 25, 2010

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Ice Queen

A mythical creature sometimes confused with Jadis the White Witch, Narnia's evil Queen.

An ice queen is fair in both beauty and complexion. She has long straight dark hair that she uses as a whipping device and large brown eyes that she may use to stare directly into your soul and manipulate you into doing her bidding.

She has 2 sides to her personality which is subsequently related to the anatomical nature of her heart. Half of her heart is made up of delicious candy making her the sweetest being you may ever come across. The other half is made up of H2O at 0Β° making her ice cold when she needs to be.

When she isn't intimidating you with her looks she is rejecting you with her words.

R: What's the word for something everyone wants but can never have?
S: An Ice Queen

by Rid1Yellow1 January 9, 2020

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Ice Challenge

A new tik tok challenge where a girl takes an ice cub and rubs her pussy with it or shoves it up her vagina.

β€œHave you tried that new ice challenge from tik tok? I did and it burned”

by thatsmynamedontwearitout7 April 5, 2020

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Ass ice

Toilet paper that is put in the fridge before use, in the intent it will cool ones asshole and cheeks while wiping.

I got home from work after a long hot day, I went to the fridge to grab my ass ice and cool down while taking a poop.

by toilet pro September 1, 2011

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ice lolly

really british popsicles

omg, linda is sucking another ice lolly

by lindasicelolly December 27, 2017

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ice dragon

while a male is receiving a blow job the male hits on the back of the females head making sperm come out of her nose

yo i just ice dragoned that ho

by joe fernandez the 3rd March 12, 2008

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Iced Walrus

The act of ejaculating into a woman's mouth, waiting for her to begin swallowing it, and then sharply punching her in the throat with your genitals still in her mouth, thus resulting in your sperm coming out of her nostrils making the "tusks".

"God, that bitch was supprised when i decided to give her an iced walrus"

by Decessud October 22, 2007

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