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Im a Mega wanker

You are a Mega wanker!

"lol Im a mega wanker"
"same lol"

by Timothy ballsacks official 😎 April 21, 2022

Mega Virgin

Scott The Woz

person: hey what does mega virgin mean?
person2: scott the woz

by cheese bitches April 17, 2024

Mega virgin

A mega virgin is a person who hasn't had any sexual contact with the other sex ex. (holding hands, hugging, etc.)

Me: Hey man I was to a party last night where I made out with a girl for the first time!

Friend: Oh that's nice so you are no longer a Mega virgin

by Le1f May 10, 2019

mega whoopsie daisy

where you pull down a smokin hot babes pants down, but she has a penis so it smacks you on the chin

last night i had a mega whoopsie daisy

by chaseisab*tch February 19, 2021

mega hump

Getting very upset over nothing
Feeling extremely upset over something someone said to you.

Jack called her weird and now she wont talk to him cause she has the mega hump.

by Eli. November 25, 2007

Mega Room

Requires a very large room. Guys and girls enter with booze, all exit with STDs

Girl: Hey did you go to the mega room last night?
Guy: Yea, I got hammered
Girl: That's weird, I got nailed

by Rick Stroker December 20, 2010

Mega Homophobic

A person who really dislikes the LGBTQ community.

This guy is Mega Homophobic

by SuperEpicGuy69 August 26, 2022