When you put your middle finger in a girl's vagina, your thumb in her butthole, and then snap your fingers inside her.
Meet me under the Verazzano, baby, I'll give ya the Staten Island snapper
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so, boom...I shot him! The thing is... He was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing... over and over and over and over again thinking, 'This time is gonna be different, no, no, no please... This time is gonna be different'.
Some random asshole: "the 25th Island of Greece is looking kinda sus"
Everyone who is somewhat normal: Please, make it stop.
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Club penguin island is a competitive multiplayer pvp video game. The plot is that nazi-terrorists are killing people one hostage at a time and it is your job a elite-delta-tatical-spec-ops-recon-counter-nazi-terrorist to stop them. In this game you are pitted against other players in 2v64 matches. It is game has many innovations compared to it's predecessor such as destructible environment, improved graphics, DLC, microtransactions, season pass and it's open world. This game comes with loot boxes that give you a 0.000000001% chance of getting the thing you want. If you buy the season pass you get the least popular DLC for three months and if you buy the premium-deluxe-platium-defintive-game of the year edition of the game you get the base game. If you pre-ordered the game you got DLC that should have been in the base game. This game has been highly regarded for it's tedious tasks that generate very little exp.
Memeulous:"Wagan bois and today we are playing Club penguin island with Ali-a."
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This is when a girl is performing oral sex on you while she is lying on her back on a bed, with her head hanging over the edge. As you cum you defecate on her forehead, hold her by the throat and stop her from moving. She will then lift her head thus pressing your 'log' against your ass like a panini press.
Note: Make sure you dont drink coffee or draft beer 1/2 hour prior or you will otherwise perform a "Bell Island Geiser"
I totally Bell Island Panini'd your sister last night... what a slut!
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An animated reality TV show, that is completely hysterical. The show includes drama, action, and romance.
The two most popular couples are:
Duncan and Courtney: The classic opposites attract couple, whom everyone wants to get together. Duncan in a juvenile delinquent with a big heart, while Courtney is the by-the-book prep who follows the rules but has a wild side. They're crazy about each other, but won't admit it. They eventually kiss in "Basic Straining".
Gwen and Trent: These two are the most dramatic couple. Gwen is the cool goth chic, and Trent is the lovable musician. Gwen and Trent liked each other from the very start. They had a few mishaps, but by the end of the season, they were dating.
Duncan: So the Princess has a dark side.
Courtney: OK. That was so gross. But it was like once I did something bad it was so much fun I just wanted more!
Duncan: Well, you could give me that kiss. That would be pretty bad.
Courtney: You're still not my type.
Duncan: Fine. Enjoy a peanut-butterless life.
Courtney: Thanks. Enjoy prison.
Duncan: I will. (Courtney kisses him)
The most popular couple on Total Drama Island gets together.
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The act of cumming into your partners anus and having them push it back out into your cupped hand. They then proceed to slurp the semen from your hand like a freshly shucked oyster.
Jason and his date wanted to try some Kent Island Oystering.