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All gravy, no dry spots

An elaboration of the term โ€œall gravy.โ€ When something is not just good, but lacks any of the downside or dissatisfaction one may normally expect to encounter in an otherwise positive experience. It is a reference to the use of gravy as a sauce to cover drier foods, and refers to an evenly spread amount of gravy so that while eating the meal one does not find any dry spots where there is no or insufficient gravy.

Can also refer to sex that is good from start to finish.

That trip to the beach was all gravy, no dry spots! So glad the clouds didnโ€™t show up till after we left.

by Greymatter1416 July 21, 2023

blew up my spot

telling some ones personal or big secret

Me:stop botherin me before i blow up your spot son.
Sam:i dare u.
Me:yo tameka you know sam just stopped eatin his boggers this year.
Tameka:Yo sam she just blew up your spot.
Sam:yo u just blew up my spot son.

by brooklyn-princess March 28, 2007

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Blown up my spot

To tell a something that was told to you in confidence a.k.a telling a secret.

If I told you that I hated so and so and you went and told them you will have "blown up my spot"

by jkbsdjkbsg August 27, 2006

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Teabag with a spot of brown sugar

when you teabag a chick and rub your asshole on her nose thus leaving a dab of brown sugar (shit)

Jamie: How did your date with the pie whore go?

Bill: It was going great until i gave her a teabag with a spot of brown sugar.

Jamie: and she didnt like that?

Bill: Apparently not

by Billisan October 29, 2008

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yellow spotted fiddle fart

a fart so loud and messy that it leaves yellow spots on your underwear and sounds a little like a fiddle being played under water.

Dude, what was up with that yellow spotted fiddle fart? it sounded like a back woods prison party.

by painshowerintheladyflower April 3, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

black cock parking spot

Black Cock Parking spot

A girl whose name starts with S and ends with Mantha. Usually a girl that has aggressively sought out the cocks of as many huge black men as humanly possible. This type of person has HUGE, DARK labia and is as loose as can be.
"It was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway the other night having sex with Sam."

She has sex with SO MANY guys, their mess just pours out of her like a faucet. I never even got to know any of their names. Could just taste when it was a different guy...
She's more like a black cock parking lot than a spot.... Going down on her is always an adventure.

1. black cockaholic
A girl who has experienced a black cock, and becomes obsessed with them and takes every black cock they can get, it is almost like a disease they get.
boy 1 "Why does Sam always talk to the black guys"

boy 2 "she cant help it she is a black cockaholic"

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by EyePuncher January 3, 2014

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"X" marks the spot

a sex position when two chairs are put facing eachother and the male sits down on one and the woman sits on the adjacent chair and move closer to eachother till penetration is reached.

I broke the chair my grandma made for me when i was little, becuase me and my girl were doin the "X" marks the spot all day while my mom was baking.

by poopi pants November 28, 2007

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