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Best sister ever

Carly Ciancetta

Carly Ciancetta is the best sister ever.

by taybie April 2, 2019

t-shirt sister

A “t-shirt sister” is a sorority that is inactive or dropped from chapter but still attends social events. This sister claims to have sisterhood but in reality is selective to who they talk it hangout with. This sister wears or claims her letters or chapter when it is convenient for her. This sister will go party in another college but won’t attend a chapter sisters party.
This sister will at times only talk to their line sisters but no one else in chapter.

Sister one: “I didn’t know Maria would be attending the reveal
Sister two: “ i didn’t either, she wont attend chapter events but she will attend other greek social events”
Sister one: “ thats why Maria’s a T-shirt sister, only wears her letters when it’s convenient to her”

by GreekSoror November 21, 2022

autumn aspens sister

Chris things shes like super hot and she is aspens sister

Chris: hey autumn aspens sister, your pretty hot

by itsjasonlol February 26, 2019

sister food tax

if you have a sister you are intended to have her take some food anytime she sees you or you have food.

“hey do you have food
Okay give me some, sister food tax”

by yomama45 February 4, 2023

Co-existing Sisters

This is when your parents make you and your sister, step sister, or half sister get along, but you both hate each other. So you make an agreement that you are going to co-exist, and you call your relationship coexisting, or 'co-existing sisters'!

Lena: I hate you and you hate me, and I don't want to deal with you when I get home from practice and school.

Kate: I hate you, too, and I don't want to be your sister.

Lena: Good, then we are co-existing sisters, because we have to behave but we don't want to be sisters.

Kate: Great! Goodnight, co-existing sister

Lena: Goodnight asshole.

by Dilligaf ismdiabod August 29, 2019

Hillbilly sister sticker

Foreplay act ; see Kentucky plug for full definition

Hey paw, you should see what marybeth and me invented, we call it the hillbilly sister sticker”

by Tainted Sasquatch May 21, 2021


Brother’s wife and spouse’s sister at the same time.

My double-sister-in-law is a good person.

by Rwopazaq November 24, 2019