Festy. Anything that is totally gross, or very unpleasent to view or smell.
Guy 1 "Check out that fatty!"
Guy 2 "That shit is festive season"
A time in a student's high school career during their 11th grade year in which the individual participates in "tryhard" activities. These include, but are not limited to: working extra hard for a board/ officer position; kissing up to teachers for rec letters; and overall being tryhard in classes.
Sometimes abbreviated to JTS (coined by ALC)
She is really trying to get president of that club, it must be Junior Tryhard Season.
A time period during a student's 3rd year of high school where there is an extreme focus on trying hard in classes as well as going for all leadership positions in clubs and activities. It often characterized by extreme stress, many applications, and insufferable try-harding. (Also sometimes called JTS for short)
She is really in her junior tryhard season with the way she's kissing up to the teacher.
Junior tryhard season is so tiring with all these applications and effort!
Mantel Season in a fictional season, created by women, to guilt their husband's into building extra large mantels to decorate. Once the mantel is built, they are extremely over decorated, so the women can flood social media with pictures of their mantels. This causes other women who have guilted their husband's into building expensive, oversized mantels, in the name of "mantel season", to overwhelmingly show support, so they can then guilt their husband's for not showing support for "such an extremely important celebration that they were robbed of up until that point." Mostly celebrated by "Karens," but also celebrated by the "Y" variation as Karyn.
"(Enter any name like 'Chad'), you have robbed our family of the enjoyment of mantel season for too long. I demand you to build one, or I want to talk to a manager."
The day after a holiday, its called "Yitude Season" because it sounds better that way. Originally there were two definitions of these two words together but I cant say them because of the Urban dictionary gods.
What is the day after my birthday or any holiday called?
Oh Bernie, its called "Yitude Season"
The time in which girls are most likely to be attacked by guys who have no intention of a real relationship with them.
Oh god, it's guy season again.