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Simp bait

When anyone, but mainly ‘hot’ women, bait or order a simp to do anything for her/him.
Mostly an aim to fool with possibility of publicly humiliation and make fun of said simp or even gain financial or materialistic assets.

Female: “buy me the latest phone and maybe I’ll consider dating you.”

Simp: “okay baby!”

Female to her following “I managed to simp bait this dude out of a phone!”

by Llupeyy March 11, 2020


When you are half simp half man

Jim: Did you see Tyler? He was hanging out with some girls but he said he would play COD after.
John: Damn. He's such a Semi-simp

by ismelllikeawoman17293 July 18, 2020

Simp Trap

A girl or group of girls designed to brith the worst of simps. They lure them in quickly by leading them on at a constant rate. Then just when the simp thinks he has a chance, and shoots his shot...they shut him down like the cold hearted bitches they are.

DO NOT fuck with those girls, they’re a simp trap.

by theurbanpoet69 May 16, 2020

Draco Simp

Someone who simps for Draco Malfoy way too much.

"hey I heard you like Draco Malfoy!"
"Yea I'm a Draco Simp."

by December 16, 2020

13👍 1👎

Female Simp

A female simp is a woman who does too much for the man she likes and is overly nice to him, in hopes of getting him to like her back.

Why am I such a female simp?

by Monochromatica November 1, 2021

Simping for sallie

When you are so sad that you simp for an online person you don't even know in real life

Person 1: I saw someone simping for Sallie on discord
Person 2: cringe

by Alveoli gas exchange November 18, 2020

college simp

Someone who does extracurricular activities or runs for leadership positions for the sole purpose of embellishing his/her college application. His/her disingenuous intent is usually obvious as they have no true passion for their activities. This term derives from the term simp; but instead of pleasing girls, college simps seek to please and gain the favor of colleges.

John: Do you know why Michael is running for class president?
Paul: Michael is a huge college simp – he would do anything to get into Yale.

Although he says he created the non-profit because he is concerned about animal rights, it's obvious that he is college simping.

by collegesimp June 28, 2020