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you mom

a rost

you mom is not nice

by trospiret October 26, 2020

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Publicly judging a mother for her parenting choices because they differ from the choices you would make.

Mom-Shaming is deplorable and only brings people down.

by FLP Blogger June 15, 2018

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Neighborhood mom

A woman that not only takes care of her own children, but adopts the kids of everybody else living nearby. Often she is a better parent to the visiting children than their own (neglectful) parents, which is why they prefer to hang out at her house.

Make sure to slow down before you drive past the neighborhood mom's house, there's a lot of kids running around outside there.

by pauljs75 October 22, 2011

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Soccer Mom

A chick who wears Vans in a small size. So they are "Mini Vans"

Person 1: Damn yo I like her Vans. They are small though like size 5.
Person 2: Yeah bruh the Mini Vans. She's a Soccer Mom.

by TUIT October 19, 2010

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basic mom

Similar to Basic Bitch but 20 years later. Includes yoga fascination, after school snacks, and the "mom" haircut. Can usually be found driving an SUV and sporting a top-of-the-line outdoor jacket. Sipping Starbucks and listening to Micheal Buble or Josh Groban is optional.


Headliner: "West Van Mom becomes Basic Mom

by sorrynotsorrymom April 18, 2015

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prom mom

a teenage girl who gets pregnant in highschool, usuall at age 16

Dude: your mom is only 32, my mom is 45 and we're the same age

Chick: that's because she's a prom mom, i'm the result of 2 beers and the backseat of a car with no protection

by the commissar June 23, 2009

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Porn Mom

The relationship between a gay porn star and a female fan, where the female becomes a second mother giving guidance, promotion, support and a safety net. This role is chosen by the porn star and is someone who is his biggest fan and supporter.

Coined by Jack Jaxson, director and owner of Cockyboys.

When Brendon talks to his porn mom they talk about scenes, boyfriends and everything else his mom doesn't want to know.

by Pom_Pom March 23, 2014

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