Swiping randomly in a cell phone text message program and seeing what creative phrases your cell phone comes up with.
I felt like being silly in text messaging, so I sent my friend some text art.
if you’re texting someone you like to keep them interested in you.
john: yo stacey is totally maintenance texting me lmao
When someone texts you, often about something important, you text them back, then…….SILENCE.
"I'm so over Jennifer. She's famous for text teasing. She always leaves me hanging with these super important texts, I respond right back, then NOTHING. I'm gonna start calling her out on it…"
A text message that is not understood by the recipient/s; due to spelling and formatting. Often containing anagrams that are uncommon and/or incorrect.
My brother sent me a TEXT GUESSAGE ...again, which made no sense to me because it was like reading Morse Code!!!
When someone sends you lots of text messages, often without receiving any replies.
It’s often lots of small messages like the repetition of ‘hey’ or ‘hello’ or ‘are you up?’
A: ‘is Jacob still harassing you?
B: ‘yeah, he keeps chain texting me - it’s sorta annoying ngl’
The act of not replying to a text within a reasonable amount of time. Marijuana can greatly encourage this behavior.
Greg: Hey do you know what Nathan is doing? I have been trying to text him all day.
Shawn: He has been right by me all day smoking the bud, he has probably just been sitting on a text.
Greg: What a stain.
A person who attempts to dominate a text thread by constantly texting over and over again. Usually considered on the 4th straight text. One text = standard, two texts =possible correction/misspelling, three texts = found clarification or announcement of conclusion, fourth text = Text Hog. Can be used on someone who writes a vast majority of the texts.
That guy won't let anyone else comment on his ridiculous ideas. He is being a real Text Hog.