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blue bike

Variation (*Superlative) of Town Bike, meaning a chick who gets so much action, that she's been fucked till she's blue.

Dude, that chick's the Blue Bike, she fucks like it's her damn job.

by Fracture April 10, 2005

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blue bag

refers to the act of eating a girls ass. Assholes always taste like blue bag doritos.

Her pussy was sore, so I blue bagged her and we called it even

by John V Doo Doo February 21, 2009

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Blue Mooning


Taking very large doses of diphenhydramine, a anti-histamine over the counter allergy remedy, to experience sedation and vivid visual and auditory hallucinations. Abuse of diphenhydramine incredibly dangerous because it puts you in a state of pure delirium. Long term abuse of diphenhydramine has been linked to brain tumors.

Person A: Lets go over to Peter's house.
Person B: No way man that guy is blue mooning on Benadryl. He is Insane!
Person A: You're right people shouldn't be getting high off allergy medication.

by Bluemoon shine September 4, 2010

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blue tangerine

Describes a person as being different in a good way and indescribably beautiful.

Megan is a blue tangerine.

by wone May 7, 2008

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blue sirocco

Getting farted on during sex. (A sirocco is a hot wind from the desert)

Fuck, I got grossed out last night, dude! I was going the growl on my girl friend and she totally gave me a blue sirocco. She blamed it on the chili she had for lunch, but I think she did it on purpose.

by Cluin September 3, 2003

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blue calls

A medical condition that happens after your booty call cancels last minute.

Dude I totally got a case of blue calls last night when Jessica cancelled on me.

by TraviSemajBers March 21, 2017

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Aussie Blue

A marijuana strain with a lovely lemony smell. A very rare marijuana that will get you high off one rip.

Man that Aussie Blue was a one hitter quiter.

by Ca.Ri October 31, 2009

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