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bi tipsy

When you drink too much and are interested in pursuing a person opposite of what you normally do. If you are heterosexual you are interest in a same sex person. If you are homosexual you are interested in the opposite sex person.

Then we had sex because we were both bi tipsy.

by Leavingmanchester April 14, 2018

Bi tiger

A bi person with long nails

Look at thier nails they must be a bi tiger.

by Notsureofaname September 29, 2021

Bi-PFP Disorder

people who change their pfp too often and can never settle for one are considered to have Bi-PFP Disorder

Tim -hey, spiritz and nevify must have Bi-PFP Disorder they change their pfp at least 3 times a day. John - Ikr they must have it they are such losers

by tpneospike November 17, 2021

Ney Bi

A Ney Bi is cool and nice and just likes saying ney bi all the time!

Eat poo.. ney bi!

by John May 7, 2003

That's fine --- I'm bi

Da smart-alacky remark dat you glibly toss back at your "little princess/pumpkin" date's father when he warns you, "Whatever you do to my daughter, I'll do to you."

Demurely telling your new gal's dad, "That's fine --- I'm bi" may indeed be sarcastically amusing by implying dat you would actually ENJOY having said paternal dude make you "take it up da bum", but said remark could also "backfire" (pun not intended, but it works well here!), especially if dat family is of the conservative-minded variety... even if they don't truly believe dat you actually meant it, they may still be highly offended at da flippant "either/or" sexual reference, and so the girl may no longer wish to date you, and her parents may not want their precious Miss Vulnerable to be hanging around with "some foul-mouthed/coarse-minded dude" like you.

by QuacksO April 16, 2020

bi apocalypse

Fucking bisexuals who take away everything from lesbians, fuck yall stupid ass bitches. if ur apart of this shit get the fuck outta here.

1: "r u apart of the bi apocalypse"
2: "ew no its invalid and wrong"
1: "agreed theyre stupid asf"
2: "ong"

by xi ur fave fag June 18, 2022


One that is equally enamoured with Android and Apple devices and uses both according to their strengths enjoying the innovations of either device without being a fanboy of either.

I am bi-techual because for what I love about Android I have an android device and for what I love about iOS I own an iOS device. I am not a fanboy of either and I choose to enjoy both worlds

by Zimbo-rita May 20, 2015