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Paul Benedict

The people who have the biggest cocks

Girl 1: Did you know that the nerd in our class has a giant cock

Girl 2: His name is Paul Benedict right?

Girl 1: Yeah they say that people with that name always have a big cock

by This AccountIsNotOwnedByPaul April 20, 2021

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paul jones

Paul was one of the apostles of Jesus.
Jones is a very common last name.
Put those two names together and you'll find a being that is not only kind but absolutely loving.

He'll never let you regret dating him and will always surprise you by treating you better than you think you deserve.

He drove you all the back to your hometown. He's such a nice guy, that paul jones.

by maybeyestapino January 9, 2017

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Paul Rentaris

Paul Rentaris is a young man from Melbourne who has grown famous for having a Inbred and Incest Family. It is not yet known how often he does these activities with his family but it is known that he likes it especially when it is anal with his granddad.

"omg look its the guy with the best jawline ever!"
"The incest greek guy?"
"Yeah Paul Rentaris"

by Nate's Bitch August 25, 2023

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tim paul

lax, lax, lax, lax, oh yea rosie o'donnel is the hero of tim paul, i love lesbians, or at least being a lesbian. common statements include "yea mark" "dude, neals not that bad" "your my boi". jack crawford is such a dick on the field man, oh hey mr crawford whats goin on can i give you a blow job. jk tim "your my boi" -jack

who wants to go to ihop

by the hog April 20, 2005

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John Paul

John-Paul is a cute mexican dude with curly black hair, glasses and is highly awkward but one of the smartest people in class and very nice when you get to know him.

Theres john paul! What a cutie, wish i could be with him!

by St4rP0wer September 15, 2019

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paul newman

legend says that when he was in college to relieve stress
he would drink a case of beer, and then complete 100 pushups and a hundred situps all within four hours.

"lets do a paul newman this weekend"

by The Mayor of Lawtown August 28, 2006

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Logan Paul

A prick that will get knocked out by KSI on August 25!

Logan Paul will get knocked out on round 3

by Dillz7 August 20, 2018

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