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two-finger sandwich

The act of making yourself throw up instead of eating. Can also be had for desert after eating.

Anthony: I'm going to get a five dollar footlong from Subway.
Mike: I'm going to have a two-finger sandwich instead. It's cheaper and less calories.

by splucygoosey June 6, 2011

two fingers up

means u are loyal to 1 woman

two fingers up: means that u love just one girl 4l

by jele22 August 2, 2022

Tiajuana Two-Step

a.k.a. The Whiskey Shits. What occurs when you eat a large quantity fast food combined with a period of consuming alcohol. Known as a "two-step" because when you think you've finished shitting your brains out you wont get two steps away from the toilet before having to back up for another round.

I shouldn't have had that steak and gravy, it's giving me a case of the Tiajuana Two-Step.

I would stay out of that bathroom for a while, somebody put the Tiajuana Two-Step on it.

by Rocky Skyline November 5, 2009

maggot and two peas

An insult referring to the size of a bloke's genitals.

Hung like a donkey?! - Maggot and two peas, more like!!!

by Honeybunch August 23, 2006

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Two door shit

A shit of such magnatude that its odour can pentrate through two intermediate doors and enter the adjacent room or corridor.

There are rumours of a three door shit, but these are as yet unfounded.

A four door shit would be legendary.

"Christ! That stinks! Bailey's just done a two door shit!"

by the_caretaker June 3, 2005

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Two Dollar Hooker

Cheap-ass and ugly hooker, even worse then a slut.

I'm bored, let's pick up a two dollar hooker and have a good time.

by Frizzy112 February 26, 2011

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two-call system

The method used by an escort booking agency to ensure maximum utilization of their resources. The objective is have the next customer available on site to ensure minimum down time, but at the same time ensure the previous customer has left and the girl has had a chance to clean up before her next "date".

The first call will provide general location information (such as the name of a hotel) while the second call (which occurs after arrival at the location) will provide more detailed information such as a room number.

After making an appointment with the agency, it was a standard two-call system to get to the girl's room.

by daed November 2, 2011

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