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penis holster

A girl who is sleeps around a lot; easy; loose; whore; skank; slut etc. (insult)

a place where multiple guys frequently park their dick


OMG, that girl slept with 5 different guys this weekend, multiple times, and her boyfriend still hasn't found out! She is such a penis holster!

God I'm horny, I gotta find me a penis holster for tonight.

I forgot my penis holster, and now she might be pregnant!

by Maggie Rose January 31, 2008

Penis wrinkle

My friends a penis wrinkle

Holden is a penis wrinkle

by Ratchet hat November 17, 2021

2👍 2👎

Penis Pad

When taking a dump in a bathroom that is not located in your house, you wad up toilet paper and rest it on the seat or porcelain where your penis would rest, to ensure your penis does not make contact with the bowl.

When john went to crap in the port a john he built a penis pad so he didn't have to rest his penis on the plastic.

by bigdogshlo69 January 9, 2012

winter penis

The phenomenon where, in colder winter months, vasoconstriction leads to an average of 30% less girth in the male genitalia. This is due to the body trying to conserve heat, thereby shutting down certain blood pathways to stay warm; the penis being one of them...

Guy 1: Polar vortex hit this week, and I swear my dick shrunk like a half inch in diameter. I don't even want to show my girlfriend...

Guy 2: Sounds like a case of Winter Penis

by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin February 4, 2019

penis waggle

penis waggle
when you are realy exited your penis waggles agresivly just like a dogs tail

penis waggle
guy 1: my penis is waggin real bad right now i cant feel it

guy 2: what made it start

guy 1: i won 5 quid on the lottery

by A PErson called IG November 24, 2012

Penis Boppy

The fat area around a man's penis. It can be so fat that his penis appears smaller than it really is due to the fat sucking it inwards. The equivalent to a "fupa" on a female.

I tried to get my freak on with Mike last night, but his penis boppy was so fat he had a hard time screwing me.

by MaryMary90 February 4, 2014

Penis Monkey

A mythical creature in the stories told around 2000 years ago about a legendary monkey that has god-like/omnipotent powers that will walk up to you in your dreams and steal your penis if you're a bad kid. Although it's just a tale that teaches kids to be good, this phenomena has shown up in many photos from the early 1860s to 1970s, only to disappear completely from every photo 69 hours later, after the picture was taken. Although having unlimited power would make you have every power imaginable and every power unimaginable, he only recorded powers are as follows:

-The ability to make the skin of your penis roll up on itself and shred apart.
-Ability to show himself in dreams.
-Ability to erase evidence of his existence.

Derek: Dude, what happened, why were you in the hospital?
James: T-the p-p-penis m-monkey got me.
Derek: Who? What are you talking about?
Derek: D: oh no
Tyrone: What happened?
Derek: Penis Monkey.

by poopoo monkey machine man May 26, 2020