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Hpnotiq (this is how it is spelt on the bottle)

a blue liqueur that consists of cognac, vodka and tropical fruit juices, it can be drank straight or mixed with hennesey to make a drink called an incredible hulk

I went to the bar and had a glass of Hpnotiq on the rocks.

by kristi ricker November 20, 2003

22👍 29👎

how r u today

How R U today? is the strapline for the young people's website CyberMentors.org.uk

CyberMentors are young people trained by the charity Beatbullying to support and assist their peers online. So if you want to talk to someone your own age about a problem, visit cybermentors.org.uk

How r u today?

im gd fanks!

How r u today?
im nt so gd - I need 2 tlk 2 sum1 pls

by DesignGenius September 26, 2009

5👍 4👎

And that's how I got lice...

1. A statement used to cause delay and panic in nearby listeners. 2. A canned phrase to cause instant awkwardness to all in the immediate conversation.

Note: Can be interchanged with phrases such as that's what she said, and doesn't always have to be used with "and" at the front.

Person 1: "Hey, so I saw one of those AWESOME green saint patty's day wigs today at the store and tried it on. Did I say that it was awesome yet?!?"

Person 2: "...That's how I got lice."


Person 1: *walks into conversation by Person 2 and 3*

Person 2: "...And that's when she went all buck wild on me. Her hair was EVERYWHERE!"

Person 3: "That's pretty awesome!"

Person 1: "And that's how I got lice..."

by Sillick March 2, 2011

5👍 4👎

That's how you get AIDS

Metaphorical phrase describing ANY type of risky behavior, be it physical, literal, figurative, or metaphysical. The representation of a disease emphasizes the magnitude of the risk.

*Friend picks up a piece of candy from restroom floor.
"Ewwwww, nooo, that's how you get AIDS!!!!"

by NMS33 November 28, 2022

How's your day going?

A sarcastic statement after one rants about what a terrible day they've had.

"How's your day been?"
"My wife told me she wanted a divorce and I found out my father has cancer. How's your day going?"

by Someone who kinda exists December 14, 2022

So that’s how we rocking?

A term for when something is peculiar and it does not fit a normal event that occurs during your day

Devan: yo Asian, I’m coming over to ur crib
Asian: deadass b? So that’s how we rocking?

by Thatnibbaaaron June 28, 2019

How do you breathe?

YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW, AS YOU READ THIS! It is the action of simply inhaling and exhaling. which you take in oxygen(among other things) and your cells do some shit called cellular respiratory to take that gluten...Wait no, glucose, and make it carbon dioxide, the very thing that will kill us all. Your respiratory system then takes your shitty carbon dioxide and chucks it out of your system, A.K.A. exhaling, because your body knows that carbon dioxide is bad for you, and instead it hates you for paying more attention to your dick than literally any other part of your body. So in response to this, your body, and everyone else's, yeets that carbon dying-oxide into the atmosphere, which is a small contribution to climate change, but still is there. Still haven't taken a breath? Go to Google images and search, "cool images" and then scroll to the bottom, and when you see "Show more?" or "The rest of this may not be what you are searching for. Continue anyway?" and click yes, or whatever button is there for you to continue. Keep doing this until you have to take a breath, no matter how cool or not the images actually are.

Someone: Oh shit, I can't breathe...I'm dying...
Me: If you're talking this much, you are definitely breathing, don't make me tell you how to breathe.
That same someone: How do you-
Me: How do you breathe? Try it now, it should be easier, since now there's nothing blocking your wind pipe, except a gaping hole. But that should work, right? Cause it just lets more air in, so that should make breathing even easier for you, right?
That same now dead someone: .
Me: Ok. Bye!

by PORGSSSS May 10, 2023