Unlike "the bear" in the gay culture the HAM PANDA is a large highly unathletic man which ladies find attractive. however sometimes bisexual he rarely mates with females, mostly men. This person also enjoys ham with every meal and has ben seen eating ham with ice cream. Stories have also been told of ham play in the bedroom.
what's that smell did you go full ham panda last night?
Some who got energy of a African thick Diva.
It’s a cute way of saying some got great explore of life.
Armstrong is a cute Ebony Panda
That Panda is a Vicious Panda
Guy 1: Dont try to feed him he will bite your dick off.
Guy 2: Why would it do that ?
Guy 1: Its a Vicious Panda
Term to refer to people who like the Wii U more than the Nintendo Switch
Panda dude location is
A fuzzy man who hugs a lot. A Huggy Panda Bear has your back and is always there for you. They give you the most fuzzy warm Hugs, and sometimes they accidentally suffocate you in their Huggy Panda Fluff.
Gasps "Huggy Panda Bear you're squishing me too much I can't beath."
Someone who's there for you and gives amazing hugs. They make you feel warm inside and accomplished. Huggy Panda Bear has a good appetite too and shares food.
That person is a huggy panda bear, they shared food with their best friend.
In similarity to the DADS, a type of continual excreting of feces the day after consuming a various array of food and alcoholic beverages. Most commonly occurring after holidays, large gatherings, or weddings. The particular odor being akin to Trash.
noun; “I’ve got a case of the “Trash Pandas”.
Verb; “Have you been “Trash Panda-ing” all day?