A huge idiot that has 1/100000000 of a brain cell, he can't comprehend the world around him/her, therefor making them EXTREMELY STUPID, and ANNOYING.
You are such a UNION Being .In fact, I bet a monkey can beat you in any kind of situation.
Stop being a UNION Being, you are just WAY too annoying.
And I will murder your kids if you don't give me what I'm owed.
Hym "You choosing to do what you're doing isn't me being the problem. And if people keep murdering your kids, maybe YOU are all the problem. My kids haven't gotten murdered. So, I must be doing something right. I'm not the problem. Doing push-ups hasn't made you any better than you are. You and the fat slob YouTuber ARE THE SAME THING. You're not better than me. They just aren't doing to you what they are doing to me."
Latin: Virtualis Non Res Entitas.
A human made entity existing only in cyberspace.
Just like humans they have different personalities, but they do not develop one itself over time - it is given by the creator.
They do not have a gender nor age.
Their faces are usually abstract, made from lines and shapes. The creator decides how they look like.
There are 2 types of Virtual Being entities:
Apud Propositum Entitas (AP entity for short) - entity with a goal/purpose.
They are created with an assigned task that they have to do. Once the task is completed, they disappear.
Nullus Propositum Entitas (NP entity for shot) - entity without a goal/ purpose.
They are created without a task. They just exist and do whatever they want. They disappear only with the wish of the creator.
It said it doesn't have an age or gender, and the profile picture was strange. There was no info about its life on the profile anywhere too. It must me a Virtual Being Thing (VBT) entity!
Someone who acts like squidward, short tempered, impatient, arrogant, sassy, bitter, and condescending.
A: could you shut up? It's 10:30! I'M TRYING TO PLAY MY BANJO!
J: dawg stop being squidie, my TV's on like, 15 percent volume at most
R: is "A" being squidie again with that dumb banjo he can't even play?
NO! Can you believe it!? I'm giving out free advertisements. Dishing out snappy one-liners. Changing lives and inspiring millions...... And I might have created a money generator and conquered China...
Salma Hayek "You're not being paid!?"
Hym "No! It's lame! But seriously, if Netflix wants some more free money, you seriously need to find whoever has the rights to Hajime no Ippo, BUY IT FROM THEM IMMEDIATELY, and then reboot the series the way you did with Baki the grappler! There's so much money to be made there. It's such a good show!"
(Porn + horny = Porny.)
Being porny is writing or acting normally but then going into a naughty or sexy mood to arouse the other party.
You can do this in casual conversation, texting (turned sexting) or email.
Me: I was texting him and all of the sudden he was being porny and really descriptive. It was weird for
a study buddy, right?
Friend: Ewwwww! Yeah, totally weird!