(N) : When a man nods in the general direction of another man. This can be an ambigious greeting often meaning “hello” or “whats up?”
I haven’t talked to him in a while and I didn’t want to hear about his drama so I gave him a bro nod.
37👍 12👎
Pewdiepie subscribers who are bashed upon for being immature even though only about 30% of them are, the other 70% are thrown in with the minority trash. Bros as they are called, are generally fed up people who are tired of being assumed they are all like this.
Pewdie hater: Pewdiepie is a joke, he gets money for playing games which other companies actually put hard time and work into!
Immature Bro Army member: Hah! Ur gay and a barrel!
Mature Bro Army member: Yeah but I'm sure those companies' player bases and consumer base is growing because of that, and they aren't paying Pewdie either, Youtube is, which means free advertisement for them in the millions! Unless you are SEGA, I don't think you would want to turn that down.
105👍 43👎
A bro-ism is any variation of the word "bro." Usually beginning with bro and ending with some funny or clever suffix.
Examples of a bro-ism are:
brois and clark
the bronas bothers
bro's crab shack
brocolli (not to be confused with brocolli the vegetable, different pronunciation)
Tom Brokaw
Brobi wan kenobi
bro vs. wade
el bromino
the bromuda triangle
bro-cameral legislature
broack obama
and so on....
318👍 148👎
Men who understand that western women have drunk the cool aid pass the point of no return, and got their passports to enjoy happiness and peace with fit, friendly foreign women
And the Lord said “God bless the Passport Bros, for they have avoided thy wickedest American women and achieved nirvana with feminine foreign women, restoring the natural balance between feminine and masculine and breeding out/leaving in the dust thy wicked western shemen
1676👍 1030👎
when you are on a pub crawl with your mates and halfway to the next pub you need to take a piss.This triggers a chain reaction between all your mates who decide they all need a piss too thus causing a brow flow.
"man i cant hold on til the next pub im gonna nip in these bushes for a piss." "yeah me to man" "wow i think were having a bro flow moment"
505👍 247👎
Can be identified by big colorful shades,(80s types or aviators) shaggy hair flocking in the air, striped beanies, big oversized: jackets, basketball jerseys, tall tees, or big snow pants, have wide stance on their snowboard for steeeze. Drag out their words like they're retarded like "yaaa broo so gnarly sooo gnarls. I never thought i was gonna ride that one out" Snow bros are everywhere but must abundantly found at CU and CSU campus's. Usually wannabes but the true snow bros know how to shred.
Snow bro 1: "yaoo bro check out that chicky with the titties, I'd like to ride that like a slippery slope yaa heard what i sayiiin?"
Snow bro 2: "hahaa yaaaa mane kinda like i shreded up that rail both on the slope and that fine male receptionist I been dating"
Snow bro 3: "not cool bro, thats not the way of the bros"
33👍 11👎
A woman who you are not related to, or sexually active with, but consider as a bro.
Other variations: fe-broski, fe-brah, fe-bruh
Guy one - "Hey man, did you pick up your Warped Tour tickets yet?
Guy two - "No, but I'm gonna have Ashley pick them up for me, she said she would."
Guy one - "Man, she's such a good fe-bro."
21👍 6👎