Miles is a sincere, funny, creative and outwardly well-adjusted person. Outwardly.
Their measured way of communicating can make you feel a little silly at times but they are humble in the way they bring you back down to earth and incredibly humorous in their honesty. Unless they are lying a little or doing a bit but that’s usually funny too!
They are insatiable in their creativity. To such an extent that a good idea can make them put off days worth of sleep. This means that they can be incredibly aloof at times but this is balanced by how they allow themself to be fed by experience and collaboration with other people.
Contrary to popular opinion, Miles is afraid of spiders but that does not mean that they can’t do parkour or that their uncle Aaron didn’t die.
They are incredibly physically fit and a little weird about their family in the same way we all are. But maybe a little worse like most comedians.
A lot of that weirdness is channelled into the weird art they produce and the fairly eccentric stories they tell. Stories that make you stop and think “perhaps they’re really not well adjusted at all” and frankly worried about the metaphor. But interested nonetheless.
If you are lucky enough to meet Miles, kudos to you. Your life is going to change for the better and whether it’s at them or with them, you’re going to laugh at least once.
“Miles has a really cute ass with circular little bum cheeks.”
“Miles only likes fat asses.”
“Miles gives the best rubs.”
“ Gee whiz, what a sick beat! Of course Miles wrote that.”
“Miles could be an eyebrow model.”
“For the good of the world, Miles should never wear a shirt and just always be a little bit naked.”
One word... Glasses. Is he a nerd? Sure, but we love him for all of his curves (although he's skinny ;)). He says he has a six-inch, but how should I know? Hes Mormon by the way.
Actual quote from miles: "When it's soft it goes left, when it's hard it goes right".
Probably a skinny black bitch who would gargle cum at any given time.
dude have you seen miles?
Isnt that the guy who gargles cum?
The mile is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet , or 1,760 yards , and standardised as exactly 1,609.344 metres by international agreement in 1959.
The marathon consists of a four mile jog.
Open mouth smile, under armor outfits and a hard part in his hair.
Miles doesn’t accept participation awards.
a cool and amazing person, he is very fun to watch crime docs with and is just overall very epic <33
Miles is very cool
I afree
When in an airplane while grounded, 2 individuals have sex in the bathroom on the plane. The male ejaculates into the female while grounded, when the plane becomes airborne the semen continues to climb into the vagina cavity of his partner.
Steve wanted to become a member of the mile high club but could not contain himself with the young flight attendant. They had sex in the bathroom on a delay in Denver. Once the plane took off and her stomach felt awkward Stephani realized she was a member of the mile low club.