sneezing into your arm until you break your neck.
"Take me to the hospital I broke my neck from dabbing!"
A retarded motion that not only kills brain cells when you think about doing it, it makes you want to turn on a lawn mower flip it upside down and jump on it until you have no feet and then slowly bleed out. Since you dabbed you would enjoy this
Person 1:You know Dave he committed suicide after dabbing.
Person 2:Well he always seemed like a cunt
The act of smokin' a refined marijuana product of the concentrated psychoactive chemicals of cannabis sativa plant.
Me and john were taking some dabs last night.
Marijuana that’s been put under heat and pressure to extract the THC concentrates, there are many different varieties of dab. shatter, wax, budder, live rosin, crumble, rosin, oil, honeycomb, crystalline, diamonds, badder, sugar, sugar wax, dry sieving, RSO, and hash. Usually dabs have more THC percentage than weed, and they usually are smoked through something called a “Dab Rig” using a heated up quartz banger or a titanium nail to vaporize the dabs.
Friend: “yo did you see that snap I sent you of Jones hitting those dabs? shit was like 88% THC he got geeked up.”
Friend 2: “oh yeah that shit was fucking wild, where you be getting yo dabs from though?”