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David Bowie


He was the nazz
With God given ass.
He took it all too far, but boy could he play guitar.
- Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie 1972

by hottramp January 7, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

David Bowie

The man from which all sparkles are born.

David Bowie leaves a trail of glitter when he walks. He's soo much sparklier than Edward Cullen.

by Virabbit March 10, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

david blaine

A time traveling demon.

david blaine: Wanna see some magic?
Person: No, Kriss Angel does it better you bitch...
David Blaine: Watch...
Person: I'm levitating, your making me levitate!
Person: What the F?!
(David Blaine stares at camera aimlessly)

by Broken_Wire June 12, 2007

490๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

David Cameron

Current British Prime Minister.

Known for change... changing his mind, that is.

Expects us to hug hoodies... and I will do if I ever run into the hoodie who threw that egg at him the other week.

Got the country's hopes up of a referendum on the EU Constitution / Lisbon Treaty if he got into power, but withdrew the offer once it was clear he would win the next election.

Also known as Blair 2.0 because he's nothing more than a clone of Tony Blair.

Dude 1: Did you hear the news?

Dude 2: No, what's up?

Dude 1: David Cameron is now at Number 10.

Dude 2: So Tony Blair's back in power again?

by Chjris May 12, 2010

260๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

david bowie

Only the sexiest and most talented musician EVER...and he is 476 times hotter than Conor Oberst!

Dude do you know David Bowie?
Yeah, he's like 476 times hotter than Conor Oberst...

by Irunwithscissors June 6, 2006

220๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

david kross

a young german actor who kicked ass in the reader and held his own beside kate winslet's performance. He is also shag worthy and deserves a ton of credit for his acting chops... his sclong is pretty long too (as seen in the shower scene of the reader with kate winslet scrubbing him down)

Jethro: Hey! I have never heard of any young german actors-
Napoleon: How bout David Kross- i'd tap that

by blamwickity January 26, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

pulling a David

Is the act of looking very busy at work when you are just loafing around and doing nothing

Victor:hancel you are not really working , but you look very busy with all those papers on your desk.

Hancel:shhhh, im pulling a david

by viczilla August 14, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž