The desperate motivation behind attempts to fool others in simple ways. The person already fell for it, and they need to convince themselves someone else is just as stupid as they are.
G: Drop an item and hit Alt-F4 and it will double!
A: Haha, nice try with the stupidity-transmitted disease. But try pressing D to dance!
G: #%!@
A blend word of Cringe and venereal used on social media when you cannot get rid of a trending topic, or person that is extremely cringe-worthy.
I can’t seem to get this guy off my time line😩
I’ve been cringe free for almost 2 weeks after muting him!
This guy is a cringe-arial disease on twitter....he just won’t go away😭
A rare form of erectile dysfunction in which afflicted males experience opposite physical reactions when in states of
sexual arousal or normal mood.
All those poor bastards can't get it up to wank off to some porn. -Unknown Reporter
Thanks to this Disease I cant sit on the train without women feeling like I'm checking them out, shit's tough ya know? - Tadj-Kapp Disease Victim
A fictional illness, often used as an excuse for excessive and putrid farting.
"Konstantinos can't help burning your nostrils with his putrid farts, it's not his fault - he has Genetic Fart Disease!"
A genetic condition that causes retinal detachment and extremely poor bowel control.
"Damn it! I can't see anymore and I'm shitting every four seconds!" "Dude that sucks! I bet you've got E. Brown's Disease!"
1.Used to categorize an affliction that turns a normal woman into a mountainous, sloppy looking woman with a snub button nose and a haircut that was crafted with a lawnmower. Usu. gotten by having low self esteem, recreational drug use, poor diet, and lack of intellectual stimulus.
2.Any other similarly or un-similarly described fatter female afflicted with this ailment.
Ex1: Friend1-" What in the hell happened to her?!"
Friend 2-"You didn't hear? S'shame. She developed Mad Cow Disease..."
Friend-1 "Fuck!"
A description for a girl who has a butterface and a bad personality, making her appear as a cow of sorts.
Damn that girl has mad cow disease, she's such an ugly bitch!!!