Source Code

East Texas Barbeque Sauce

Noun- refers to the discharge experienced when performing cunnilingus on a female during her menstrual cycle.

La Quanda: "Hey baby, why don't you stop brushing yo' teeth and get'cho ass into 'dis bed nouw?"

Damon: "Man, bes' check yo' shit-- I dun' want any that East Texas Barbeque Sauce now. Shiiiiit."

by Dr.Girlfriend September 13, 2009

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L'Anse Creuse Middle School East

A school with cool teachers, but a bunch of students who hit the green plant in their free time.

Yo, you guys wanna L'Anse Creuse Middle School East later? Yo you teachers are pretty L'Anse Creuse Middle School East.

by MarioKartGod96 August 8, 2021

East Pennsboro High/Middle School

a school located in the middle of enola, pennsylvania. who mostly no one really knows about unless you attend there. its full of wanna be's and druggies, especially the high school. 1 out of 5 8th graders smoke pot with older people (high schoolers). every weekend youll find students at the olympic skating rink or driving/walking around with a blunt in their hand. its full of sluts, lesbians, and bisexual people. 1 out of 3 white kids act/pretend to be black. most preps dont get a long with the emo/scene kids. "love" relationships dont last and neither do friendships. by the time a student graduates...they have atleast done some type of drug once and lost their virginity.

"what are you doing friday?"
"going skating."
"what about saturday?"
"skating again."
"and sunday?"
"smoking some blunts."


"where do you go to school?"
"east penn."
"east pennsboro high school!"
"where is that at?"
"what the hell?"


"east pennsboro high/middle school"

by BetchaCantGuessWho March 8, 2010

239πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

Toms River High School East

Toms River High School East was the third High School built in Toms River. Built in 1979 its the only High School in Toms River with Central Air but everyone gets sick because of it. The mascot is the RAIDER and the school colors are Blsck, Silver, and Light Blue. HS East is know most for the majority of students that look like models. Unlike HS North which is the rich school, HS East has the most class out of all three schools. East is also know for the building itself which has no windows, and that everyone is Italian.

Toms River High School East has no windows.

by Matthew2007 July 21, 2006

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Cherry Hill High School East

One of the two high schools located in Cherry Hill, NJ. East is known as the richies and jews, as west is said to be full of gangsters and sluts. East has a leaky ceiling and is slowly sinking because it is built on a swamp. the teachers are either BITCHES or cool. every student is monitored by a crew of "security officers" and their cameras. no football stadium cause the team blows. wait...all the teams kinda suck. but all the kids are pretty smart, even the dumb ones. the school is full of sluts, stoners, jocks, preps, gothics, punks, and thesbians, just like any other high school in modern day america. the heater is either turned up to high or not high enough. if you have lab 8th period on c wing 3rd floor towards the end of the year, you might pass out of heat. kids can be bitches but some r nice. for some reason, the amount of cat fights per year in that school is increasing rapidly! and heres a little tribute to the principle who will remain un-named...."ok, alright, ok alright ok". its a cool school if you can survive.

"hail to thee our alma mater, cherry hill east alma mater,
through the years to come may part us, we'll be ever true.
through the stife and battles, (dun dun) through thy years of glory: (dun dun) we shall hail thee, never fail thee, crimson and white go forth before us. cherry hill east we thank you for the friendships we have made here. there four years, we'll always treasure, we'll remember you!"

ps. we've got jews too!

Cherry hill high school east is sinking because it full of so many jews!

by shitforbrains March 24, 2006

70πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

East Greenbush Central School District

Quite possibly the dumbest school district ever, EGCSD has hired some of the most professional teachers and bus drivers. Sexual encounters, touching students in gym class, writing derogatory statements about your boss in shit on the bathroom wall, and numerous teachers doing anything but teach are just a few examples of the fine professional staff. This disease ridden place is notable for the H1N1 outbreak that caused 500+ students to stay home sick on a single day. This is called the H1NFUN outbreak because of the joy that seeing kids sick brought to teachers. Mostly known as that place JWOWW went to. Studies have shown scumbags outnumber everyone else 10 to 1 at Columbia High School which is home to what is quite possibly the worst football team ever. If you were to ask if the football team won their most recent game you would be laughed at for asking such a dumb question. On St Patricks Day shirts are sold that say "Kiss me I'm from Columbia" unfortunately due to false advertising these shirts were supposed to say "Kiss me I have Herpes" the corrected shirts have not yet been made available so beware. This school is also known for poorly named policies such as Operation Electric Thunder which of course was a dismal failure. Not to be outdone by teachers and administrators getting pregnant each class has about 5 people who pollute the gene pool of upstate NY. The school’s dress code is hardly ever followed because teachers enjoy looking at the students dressed like sluts.

Administrator- "I would like nothing more than to remove you from the cafeteria in handcuffs"
primarily because handcuffs are highly erotic

Administrator in response to H1N1- "Wash your hands daily and sneeze into your armpit."

"East Greenbush Central School District, Land of the scumbags" -student

by CHS is full of scummers May 6, 2011

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East penn middle school

Filled of fake people.theres wanna bes.theres what me and my friends call 🐍snakes.everyone goes skating every Friday and Saturday.Juul cause they think it’s cuul.

Why is there toilets in the juul room it’s not cuul. East penn middle school is filled with wannabes

by Yee haw,πŸπŸπŸ€™ May 10, 2019

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