Hairy Anal Bacon is when a man shits in his girls mouth and eats eats it out again and then spits it into her vagina and then fucks her.
Man, that Hairy Anal Bacon last night was good until it wasn't.
Hairy nipples, hairless nipples and other body anomalies can be known as dairy hooters, hairy dooters, dirty hairies, hairy dairies, dairy hairies, nairy dipples, dairy nipples, dairy hoots, hairy doots, nairy hipples and nairless hipples, among less common words like Harris Teeters.
Hymns Of Deuteronomy; An Ode To Hairy Nipples:
"I love how you skitter me scats just like you scatter me deuters. And I love the way you tipsy my nips just like you scooter me hooters. When you busty my lust and when you chesty my breast and when you're silky for milk, you know l like you the best, but I don't know a god damned thing about these computers.
I love how you neuter my newts just like you grew dirty hairies. And if you want to deuter my hoots, you'll have to dairy my nairies. There was a hooter of doots on top of my nairy dipples that will sing you a song that's scathing my hairy nipples, but I still know nothing about how much that this hurts your dairies."
Hex the Dolls:
"Hex the dolls with dairy hooters! Fa la la la la, la la la la! Hex the dolls with hairy dooters! Fa la la la la, la la la la! Nairy dipples, dairy nipples! Fa la la la la la la la la! Dirty hairies hurt my dairies! Fa la la la la, la la la la!"
a veryy very hairy spot on your body :)
girl: WOAH his nipple is so hairy!
girl 2: Ikr i love it!
girl: hairy nipple all the wayyy
The kind of nipples your grandfather has
Ew grandpa don't shove your hairy nipples into my face!
A term used to describe the effect on many unfortunate men of woman's greatest weapon. A weapon shamelessly wielded by a certain type of woman, effectively more often than not, to wickedly get her own way and reduce men to pathetic approximations of what they once were. The first sign of it's effect is typically when a male goes missing from weekly boys nights, card games, fishing trips and the like. More serious effects may even extend to a woman gaining access to such things as a closed male only WhatsApp group with understandly disastrous consequences.
Conversation over a beer:
Dude 1: What's happened to Joe? Haven't seen him for donkeys.
Dude 2: the dopey cunts fucked. He's shacked up with some ranga scrag who's been riding him to within an inch of his life. He's had a lengthy dry spell up to now so you can't blame him for dipping the wick but she's mad as a cut snake and won't let the poor fucker take so much as a piss without written permission. He'll wise up soon enough once he gets a decent look at her melon in the sunlight but for now he's well and truly caught in the hairy noose. I'd give him a month and we'll see him back. He loves the suds.
A female's occasional use of sexual favours to pay the bills.
Single Mum says "I have 2 kids. When money gets too tight, I just get out the hairy checkbook."
When the life of the party starts to unbutton his shirt from the top due to his or her hotness, this exposing the hairy parts that are normally covered. The gauge of fun that the party is currently at.
Dude, this party rocks! Mike’s hairy fun meter is pegged at 11! I can see his pubes!