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Best Character in Literary History

Theon Greyjoy.

A: Tony Stark is such a Theon Greyjoy.
B: I know, he’s the best character in literary history.

by jameelxaniston July 27, 2019

Unnatural History Channel

A homophobic Monster Hunter youtube channel known for making Monster Hunter ecology videos no one gives a shit about. His first video is the Rathalos and Rathian ecology videos that overall is just defending the Raths on why they suck ass. Go fuck yourself you bri'ish piss bucket, your videos are wrong and no one gives a shit.

"Wow, check out this guy named Unnatural History Channel, he has good videos and content on zoology an-" "Who tf cares."

by ChuckIenuts February 25, 2022

5πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

history of the entire world, i guess

Bill Wurtz makes a 20 minute video where he sings a lot of songs, makes a religion about things, turns the sun into a deadly laser, conquers all... er, most of India, and breaks China a lot.

Dude: Have you seen history of the entire world, i guess?
Dude: Not any more, there's a blanket.

by Meme-o Emo June 2, 2017

41πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

the history of the entire world, i guess

a genius video made by Bill Wurts, explaining the history of the entire world as he assumed by reading a lot of shit on Wikipedia, from the start of the universe to the current day. you should go watch it and subscribe to him.

"Have you seen "the history of the entire world, I guess"?"
"nope wtf is it"
"It's a funny video explaining the history of the universe"
"the sun is a deadly laser"

by totiro May 31, 2017

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

American History X

A movie where every member of the Vineyard family has a first name that begins with the letter D. Kind of like the number 5 is every number of their phone numbers.

American History X wanted to make everything as realistic and authentic as possible.

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020

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history of the entire world, i guess

the absolute best video to watch right before you have an exam on world history... it saves lives

DUDE ONE: did you know that the sun is a deadly laser?
DUDE TWO: not anymore because we have a blanket
DUDE ONE: history of the entire world, i guess

by imnotnotgay November 6, 2018

National skip history test day

All history tests on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 are to be postponed to Friday.

Guy 1: Hey I’m stressed about this history test Friday .
Guy 2: Don’t worry, it’s national skip history test day.

by National Government November 30, 2020