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Hpnotiq (this is how it is spelt on the bottle)

a blue liqueur that consists of cognac, vodka and tropical fruit juices, it can be drank straight or mixed with hennesey to make a drink called an incredible hulk

I went to the bar and had a glass of Hpnotiq on the rocks.

by kristi ricker November 20, 2003

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

And that's how I got lice...

1. A statement used to cause delay and panic in nearby listeners. 2. A canned phrase to cause instant awkwardness to all in the immediate conversation.

Note: Can be interchanged with phrases such as that's what she said, and doesn't always have to be used with "and" at the front.

Person 1: "Hey, so I saw one of those AWESOME green saint patty's day wigs today at the store and tried it on. Did I say that it was awesome yet?!?"

Person 2: "...That's how I got lice."


Person 1: *walks into conversation by Person 2 and 3*

Person 2: "...And that's when she went all buck wild on me. Her hair was EVERYWHERE!"

Person 3: "That's pretty awesome!"

Person 1: "And that's how I got lice..."

by Sillick March 2, 2011

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how r u today

How R U today? is the strapline for the young people's website CyberMentors.org.uk

CyberMentors are young people trained by the charity Beatbullying to support and assist their peers online. So if you want to talk to someone your own age about a problem, visit cybermentors.org.uk

How r u today?

im gd fanks!

How r u today?
im nt so gd - I need 2 tlk 2 sum1 pls

by DesignGenius September 26, 2009

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How do you sleep?

a phrase usually said when somebody does something awfully bad,yet they are fine witΒ΄it.

Wren:how do you sleep?

Shelby:like a child

by JohnnyB.Emo July 20, 2021

How do you emergency?

An emergency can be as personal and small as a bad hair day or as big as trying to improvise during the shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be silly or serious. How do you emergency is a question that travels between the two to provide a sense of empathy and comedic relief.

Some examples of how one might emergency-
-eat tacos
-sing in the shower
-dance wen there is no music
-become horizontal

-dress your best
-stretch your fingers
-pull your toes
-walk indoors
-walk outdoor
-take pictures of what you see
-make lists
-open to page 85
-make a diorama
-place stickers in obscure places
-procure dust bunnies
-write a poem about an orange
-clean up an ant spill

-manage microwaves
-exit the window to the rooftop
-pull the e-brake
-make magic out of wood sticks
-pull up grass blades
-clap your hands
-snap your fingers
-tap your toes

How do you emergency? These days I emergency by counting my chickens and collecting hail.

by AcyrlicAstroTurf March 13, 2021

That's just how i roll

"That's just how I roll man"

Something Ben says when he wants to describe how he's doing something or how he normally does something - that's just how i roll man

by Ben's#9guy January 5, 2018

how do i sleep

how do I sleep?
Step 1: close eyes
Step 2: relax body
Step 3: Discard all thoughts
Step 4: Rest.

Did it work????

How do I sleep?

Hmmm here maybe this will work

by Zalingie June 15, 2022