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International Down Bad Day

On June 30th, International Down Bad Day is an unofficial holiday to either jokingly or seriously display the character traits of being a “Down Bad” individual.

“Hey man, are you going to be participating in International Down Bad Day today?”
“Man come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth


International midget day

On the 3rd day of April we all appriciate our friends “short comings” wish a midget happy midget day on April 3 rd

Happy international midget day shorty.

by Midget hater. April 3, 2023

international hug tyrah day

international hug tyrah day. everyone gets a free hug from Tyrah Antonio. (even the wet people😏)

“Can i have a hug tyrah” is what you need to say on international hug Tyrah day

by x.ayseee December 3, 2020

International Connor Day

On the day of July 25th. The man, the myth, the legend Connor (last name redacted) was born. This event was foretold to occur by MegaMan X who never lies. On this day in 2023 Connor encountered a scenario that involved the transfers of 5 dollar bills between 2 parties, no transaction but merely trading 5 dollars. This ethical dilemma destroyed Connor's brain and he had to rest

Von happy birthday Connor
Connor: it's not my birthday
Von: sure it is it's international Connor day!!!

by Yaboi676 July 26, 2023

International Peringa Day

Following on from the misadventures of 2022, International Peringa Day - or PerinGala as it's colloquially known - is a day of remembrance for soft tissue damage, unexpected nudity, questionable choices and Dominos pizza delivery drivers.

Whilst the origins are hazy and somewhat lost in PeringaFog, it rumoured that there is a trove of misinformation and digitally altered photos closely guarded by the chosen one in the vault, accessible to a chosen few.

Regardless of the origins, the current accepted remembrance ceremony is centred around red wine, overheated spas and getting Holmaned.

I'm off too Sydney Street to get Holmaned for International Peringa Day.

by The Directors Unicorn December 25, 2023

international stupidity movement

A derogatory name for the ISM

"Join the International Stupidity Movement today - because stupidity is a human right! "

by gorgeousgal2k2 June 1, 2005

International Wanker

Ben fan no dick

Wow he's an international wanker

by Kane Stockdale July 20, 2020